<- Back to Puzzle Game ListingColonize as many fields as possible with your own red stones. When the stone is clicked upon, it is active and it is colored orange. Now you can move one or two sqaure(s) in any direction by clicking on an open square. When you're moving to an adjacent square (one square) the original stone stays where it's been and a new stone is created on the open square. You can also move two fields, but then you have to jump with the original stone. After a move all, the opponent's stones next to the your new stone become yours. The game is finished as soon as one player can't move anymore or the board is full. The one with the most stones wins the game! There are several different boards, press 'Next' and 'Last' Button to change the board. Press 'Undo' to redo your last move and 'New' to restart your game.