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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
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Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
Beamrider --------------------------------------------------------------------------- ACTIVISION presents Dave Rolfe's 3D..... DARK, DANGEROUS, DEMANDING B E A M R I D E R A beam matrix of iridescent blue engulfs the distant blackness of Earth-Space. You stand watching. First mesmerized, you now realise the beams carry weapons. Frightening creations in endless configurations. Intriguing to watch, but will you -- yes you, dear reader -- take action? You will??!! Then roll up your sleeves, mount these beams and.....ride!! Animated graphics create a 3-D perspective that virtually pulls you into the screen. Pulsating sound effects intensify the constant array of new objects that zip from beam to beam. Beamrider combines tomorrow's technology with designer Dave Rolfe's fantastic imagination to forge the challenge you'll return to again and again! BEAMRIDER GAME PROGRAM INSTRUCTIONS The Restrictor Shield, 99 sectors deep, now surrounds the Earth. You are the Beamrider, on a mission to clear the Shield. There you must demolish an onslaught of alien frights as you dodge from beam to beam. Sector after sector, the deluge deepens..... INITIAL SET-UP 1. Insert cartridge into your game system with the power OFF. Then turn power ON. 2. 2600 users, skip to number 10. 3. Select number of players by pressing the appropriate number, 1-4, on controller keypad. 4. Select level of difficulty by pressing it's corresponding number on the keypad. level: Begins at sector: 1 1 2 5 3 10 You will immediately be in the Space Station. It's control panel displays your score, two reserve ships, sector, number of enemy saucers in sector and three torpedoes. 5. To start the action, move the Control Stick up. The hatch doors will open, thrusting you through hyperspace to the Restrictor Shield. 6. Your Light Ship will move left or right when you move the Control Stick left or right. To fire laser lariats, press the left side button. To fire torpedoes, press the right side button. 7. To begin a new game at any time, press Reset on the game console. 8. Pause the action whenever you like by pressing zero (0) on the hand controller. Screen will go black. To resume the game, press any other key. 9. To drop out of a multi-player game without interrupting the other players, press 5 on the hand controller when your turn begins. Your score will be omitted and the sequence of play will adjust to the remaining players. 10. On the 2600: Press reset and move Joystick to start the action. Laser lariats are fired by pressing the red button: to fire torpedoes, push Joystick forward. 11. Use the left difficult switch to select 2600 level of difficulty: A=Advanced, B=Basic. 12. Turn power OFF before removing cartridge. BEAM BEARINGS The Space Station: Whenever your ship is destroyed or when you complete a sector, you will return via hyperspace to the space station. When you're ready to continue, move the Control Stick up. The hatch doors will open and you'll be on your way. The Space Station does not appear in the 2600 version. Enemy Saucers: There are 15 enemy saucers in each sector. They all must be destroyed before you can go to the next sector. Every time a saucer is hit, the number in the upper left corner of the screen will count down by one. The Sector Sentinel: When all 15 white enemy saucers have been destroyed in a sector, their Sentinel ship will cruise across the top of the beams. Only a torpedo can destroy it. Weapons: Laser lariats are only effective against certain invaders (see "Dangerous Encounters"). Torpedoes, however, will destroy the first object they meet on a beam. You are only given 3 torpedoes per sector. Use them sparingly since they are your only weapon against the Sector Sentinel. Yellow Rejuvenators. Occasionally, yellow rejuvenators will float through the beam matrix. Allow them to land on your deck, as each connection will add a bonus ship to your fleet. If you shoot or torpedo a rejuvenator by mistake, it will turn red from the heated blast. Get out of the way! The wreckage will destroy you on contact. DANGEROUS ENCOUNTERS With the first swing of your laser lariat, the white enemy saucers approach. But there's more. As you progress through the Restrictor Shield a sinister collection of aliens will materialize. A new danger is added with every other sector, up to sector 16: SECTOR CRAFT VULNERABLE 1 White Enemy Saucers Yes 2 Brown Space Debris No 4 Yellow Chirper Ships Yes 6 Green Blocker Ships No 8 Green Bounce Craft No 10 Blue Chargers Yes 12 Orange Trackers No 14 Red Zig Bombs Yes \ not in 2600 16 Magnetic Mines No / version Only "vulnerable" objects are affected by laser lariats (saucers and chirpers are destroyed; chargers and zig bombs are deflected). Everything else can only be dodged or, in extreme cases, torpedoed. Magnetic Mines will pull you over unless you keep moving the Control Stick in the direction opposite the mine. SCORING Points are scored each time an enemy saucer, chirper ship or Sector Sentinel is destroyed. Point values increase as you progress to higher sectors. The exact point value for each hit appears in red, briefly replacing your score the moment an enemy craft is destoyed (on Coleco version only). Also, if you manage to destroy the Sector Sentinel, you'll receive an additional bonus for each ship in your fleet. [SCREEN SHOT SHOWING BEAM GRID WITH ENEMIES, YOUR SHIP & GAME STATS AT TOP] HOW TO BE A "BEAMRIDER" Greetings from sector 26 and moving! If you want to make it to the outer sectors, pay attention to these tips. Maintain precise control by learning to TAP the Control Stick to move your ship a single beam at a time. And stay near the centre beams so you won't get boxed into a corner with nowhere to run. Zap the white enemy saucers as early in their approach as possible. And check this out: You can hit them when they're slightly off the beam, before they can drop their missiles. When you see a yellow rejuvenator, don't abandon all caution as you move to catch it or you'll likely wreck your ship. If an enemy object is blocking the rejuvenator, you can use a torpedo to blast it out of the way. Then, catch the rejuvenator. But remember, you only have three torpedoes and they're your only weapon against the Sector Sentinel. And while we're on the subject, when the Sentinel is about to approach, don't sit on the beam you plan to shoot from. Green Blockers will swarm on to it immediately! Instead, wait on a beam you're not going to shoot from (like the one nearest the Sentinel's first sighting). As soon as the Blockers are `locked' onto that beam, zip over to an unblocked beam and torpedo the ship. Last, but not least, take time to notice the enemy attack movements. They generally follow a pattern of motion that allows you to anticipate many of their moves. --------------------------------------------------------------------------- /-------------------------------------------------------------------------\ | SCRIBE:- GRAHAM.J.PERCY email 1st OCTOBER 1998 | | I COLLECT 2600/7800/COLECOVISION/INTELLIVISION. | | THANKS TO G.CHANCE AND ANYONE WHO HAS TYPED IN A MANUAL. | \-------------------------------------------------------------------------/
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.