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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
COMBAT GAME PROGRAM TM INSTRUCTIONS ATARI (R) A Warner Communications Company ATARI, INC., Consumer Division 1195 Borregas Ave., Sunnyvale, CA 94086 (c) 1977 ATARI, INC. C011402-01 CONTROLLER ACTION Use the Joystick Controllers with this Game Program. Hold the Controller with the red button to your upper left towards the TV screen. FWD FWD. LEFT ^ FWD. RIGHT \ | / \|/ LEFT <---STOP--> RIGHT /|\ / | \ v NO EFFECT Fig. A - Tank Games For all Tank games, move your Joystick as shown in Fig. A. To move forward, push the Joystick forward. To turn right, pushg the Joystick to the right. To move left, push the Joystick to the left. The back positions have no effect on your Tank. MED DIVE SLOW DIVE ^ FAST DIVE \ | / \|/ SLOW <---MED---> FAST /|\ / | \ SLOW CLIMB v FAST CLIMB MED CLIMB Fig. B - Bi-Plane Games To control your Bi-Plane for those games, see Fig. B. Control the speed by moving your Joystick from the left (slowest) to the right (fastest). To dive, move the Joystick forward, to climb, move it back. FAST FAST LEFT ^ FAST RIGHT \ | / \|/ MED. LEFT <---MED---> MED. RIGHT /|\ / | \ SLOW LEFT v SLOW RIGHT SLOW Fig. C - Jet-Fighter Games In Jet-Fighter games, the speed of your Jet is controlled by moving your Joystick from the forward position (fastest) to the back opsition (slowest). Right and left turns are controlled by moving your Joystick from left to right. As a rule of thumb, game action for Tank and Jet-Fighter games is viewd from the top. Bi-Plane game action is viewed from the side. All games end after 2 minutes, 16 seconds. MISSILE ACTION Fire your missile by pushing the red button on your Joystick Controller. ## # ####### ## # ## ####### - - - - - - - - - - ## Fig. D - Straight Missiles In those games where the Missile Action is described as "Straight," the missile travels in a straight line (Fig. D). "Machine Gune" missiles are rapid fire "Staright Missiles." - - - / | ,/ ### | `\ # ,#. /###\ Fig. E - Guided Missiles In "Guided" missiles games, the missile can be turned to follow your opponent by moving the Joystick to right or left after firing (Fig. E). ### ### ######### ######### ### # ### \ \ ### # ### ######### \ ######### > ### ### / / / \ \/ Fig. F - Billiard Hit For TANK-PONG games only, the missile will bounce off the walls and barriers as shown in Fig. F. DIFFICULTY The Player using the "A" Difficulty in all games will have a shorter range missile than the player using the "B" Difficulty position on the Video Computer System console. Additionally, in the Bi-Plane and Jet-Fighter games, the player in Position "A" will fly slower than Position "B." TANK GAMES ############################################# # # # # # # # # # TANK # # / # # / # # / # # TANK - - # # / # # / # # / # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################# Fig. G - Tank Open Playfield ############################################# # # # # # ### # # TANK ### # # \ ### # # \ # # ### \ ### # # # \ # # # # #### \ #### # # # # \ # # # ### \ TANK ### # # \ # # ### \ # # ### # # ### # # # # # ############################################# Fig. H - Tank Easy Maze Playfield ############################################# # ### / \ / # # ### / \ / # # #### / TANK #### # # #### / #### # # #### / #### # # ## / ## # # ### / ### # # # ## / ## # # # # ## / ## # # # # ## / ## # # # ### / ### # # TANK ## ## # # #### #### # # #### #### # # #### #### # # ### # # ### # ############################################# Fig. I - Tank Complex Maze Playfield The object of TANK is to hit your opponent as many times as you can before the game ends. You score one point for each hit. Game No. 1. Open Field (Fig. G) Guided Missile (Fig. E) 2. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Guided Missile (Fig. E) 3. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Straight Missile (Fig. D) 4. Complex Maze (Fig. I) Guided Missile (Fig. E) 5. Complex Maze (Fig. I) Straight Missile (Fig. D) TANK-PONG GAMES TANK-PONG is a unique series of games from Atari. The missile will bounce off the walls and barriers of the playfield. In the "Direct Hit" games, you score by hitting your opponent either head on, or by bouncing your missile. In "Billiard Hit," your missile must bounce at least once before hitting your opponent to score. If, after firing, your own missile hits your tank, it will not score against you. Game No. 6. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Direct Hit or Billiard (Fig. F) 7. Complex Maze (Fig. I) Direct Hit or Billiard (Fig. F) 8. Open Field (Fig. G) Billiard Hit (Fig. F) 9. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Billiard Hit (Fig. F) INVISIBLE TANK GAMES You and your opponent are invisible to each other, except when a missile is fired or when a hit is made. In addition, the tanks become visible whenever they bump into a wall or barrier. Game No. 10. Open Field (Fig. G) Guided Missiles (Fig. E) 11. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Guided Missiles (Fig. E) INVISIBLE TANK-PONG GAMES These games combine the invisible play feature with the missile action of TANK-PONG. Game No. 12. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Direct or Billiard (Fig. F) 13. Open Field (Fig. G) Billiard Hit (Fig. F) 14. Easy Maze (Fig. H) Billiard Hit (Fig. F) The Bi-Plane and Jet-Fighter games play on the two playfields shown at the right. In Figure K, the cloud formations can be used to "Hide" from your opponent. However, a hit can be scored when hiding in a cloud. ############################################# # # # \ # # JET \ # # \ # # \ # # | # # | # # | # # \ # # \ # # \ # # JET # # # # # # # # # # # ############################################# Fig. J - Open Sky ############################################# # # # # # # # # # BI-PLANE # # # # \ # # ####### \####### # # ######### #\####### # # ####### #\##### # # \ # # \ # # BI-PLANE # # # # # # # # # ############################################# Fig. K - Clouds BI-PLANE GAMES Become the "Scourge of the Skies!" Defeat the Red Baron once and for all... Game No. 15. Clouds (Fig. K) Guided Missiles (Fig. E) 16. Clouds (Fig. K) Straight Missiles (Fig. D) 17. Clouds (Fig. K) Machine Guns (Fig. D) 18. Open Skies (Fig. J) Machine Guns (Fig. D) Feel you need help? Play 2 against 2 or 1 Bomber against 3 Bi- Planes. You Bi-Planes always fly in formation, and each Bi-Plane in your group will shoot simultaneously when you push the firing button. Game No. 19. 2 vs. 2 Open (Fig. J) Guided (Fig. E) 20. 1 vs. 3 Open (Fig. J) Straight (Fig. D) JET-FIGHTER GAMES Just how good a Jet Jockey are you? Here's a chance to find out. Game No. 21. Clouds (Fig. K) Guided Missiles (Fig. E) 22. Clouds (Fig. K) Straight Missiles (Fig. D) 23. Open Skies (Fig. J) Guided Missiles (Fig. E) 24. Open Skies (Fig. J) Straight Missiles (Fig. D) If you are super-good, here are some variations to try. The jets fly in formation and shoot at the same time when you push the firing button. Game No. 25. 2 vs. 2 Clouds (Fig. K) Guided (Fig. E) 26. 1 vs. 3 Open (Fig. J) Guided (Fig. E) 27. 2 vs. 2 Open (Fig. J) Straight (Fig. D) O1 combat Game No. Open Field | Straight Missiles | Easy Maze | | Guided Missiles | | Complex Maze | | | Machine Guns | | | Clouds | | | | Direct Hit | | | | | | | | | Billiard | | | | | | | | | | Hit | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | | TANK 1 - X - - - X - - - 2 - X - - - - X - - 3 X - - - - - X - - 4 - X - - - - - X - 5 X - - - - - - X - -------------------------------------------------- TANK-PONG 6 - - - X X - X - - 7 - - - X X - - X - 8 - - - - X X - - - 9 - - - - X - X - - -------------------------------------------------- INVISIBLE TANK 10 - X - - - X - - - 11 - X - - - - X - - -------------------------------------------------- INVISIBLE 12 - - - X X - X - - TANK-PONG 13 - - - - X X - - - 14 - - - - X - X - - -------------------------------------------------- BI-PLANE 15 - X - - - - - - X 16 X - - - - - - - X 17 - - X - - - - - X 18 - - X - - X - - - 2 vs. 2 19 - X - - - X - - - 1 vs. 3 20 X - - - - X - - - -------------------------------------------------- JET 21 - X - - - - - - X 22 X - - - - - - - X 23 - X - - - X - - - 24 X - - - - X - - - 2 vs. 2 25 - X - - - - - - X 1 vs. 3 26 - X - - - X - - - 2 vs. 2 27 X - - - - X - - - PRINTED IN TAIWAN -------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.
Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.