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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea BattleBasic MathBlackjackCombatIndy 500Star ShipStreet RacerSurround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.

This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!

Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game

Fire Fly

If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.

Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button

[Here are the directions to Fire Fly by Mythicon.]
[NOTE:  The original instructions have the following errors:  Pixie, Pixy,
pixy;  bad bugs, Bad-Bugs;  12.  DIFFICULTY (should be 11.  DIFFICULTY).  
Any other errors are solely my fault while typing and I take full 
responsibility for them.]

				mythicon inc.

				Fire Fly


TEST PILOT LOG MARCH 17, 2093:  On what started to be the routine high speed
test of interplanetary craft Delta 12, a powerplant malfunction caused the
craft to skip off the rim of a smmall, black hole.  After experiencing
level 5 turbulence I became unconsciouss.  Upon awaking, I found myself in a
time and place unknown to me;  the craft having been completely destroyed.

The place I am in is inhabited by giant bug-like creatures.  Through thought
waves, the inhabitants explained that they are part of a culture originally
insect-like but now almost entirely mechanical.  As their biological body
parts began to age beyond effective use they replaced them with mechanical
parts.  Through their will to survive they eventually crated an entire
society composed of machines.

During this gradual conversion from living matter to machinery a group of
the inhabitants started programming themselves to survive even at the
expense of others in the society.  They became know as the Bad-Bugs.  After
the complete metamorphosis to computer controlled minds these bugs began
attacking the good creatures.

Because of my human reasoning and ability as an experienced test pilot
the good bugs have asked for my help.  I have been put in command of the
best machine-bug on their planet.  My task of saving the good bugs should 
prove extremely difficult since the Bad-Bugs have creature-machines 
programmed solely for the purpose of stopping me.  I will, however, be 
awarded valuable treasures by the good bugs for every enemy I eliminate.  
To further complicate my task the good bugs have asked me to rescue the 
last remaining living creature on their planet, the Pixie.  They have 
warned me to be very cautious when approaching the Pixy since it is 
constantly guarded by a killer, machine-bee.



FIREFLY by Mythiiicon offers tremendous variety in the types of enemies you,
as Firefly, will encounter.  By continually moving from one screen to the 
next you are actually playing several games in one.  Each enemy moves 
differently and requires different skills of the game player.

The first challenge is to rescue the pixy.  While appearing easy, be cautius 
of the enemy bee.  He is very good at determining where you are and his 
sting is deadly.  Should you survive and rescue the pixy, you are faced 
with the flaming pumpkin.  He is so hot that merely touching him will be 
fatal.  He also has an unlimited supply of deadly pumpkin seeds to fire at 
you.  The next screen brings you to the true meanness of the demons.  Their 
touch and cannon shots are to be avoided at all cost.  The bats will be 
waiting should the unlikely occur and you survive.  The bad bugs aren't 
worried, however, since ythey have a sun full of shooting balls of fire 
ready to ruin your day.  If that isn't enough, you can try your luck against 
the coiled serpents.  For the truly talented players who make it through 
this series of Bad-Bug tricks don't worry, they will all be there again for 
your next journey through the land of the Bad-Bugs.



1.  Plug in Joystick or Ball Controller.

2.  Turn power OFF, insert game cartridge.

3.  Turn power ON.

4.  DIFFICULTY SWITCHES are not used with FIREFLY.  Levels of difficulty
are determined by the GAME SELECT SWITCH.

5.  JOYSTICK CONTROLLERS move the Firefly left, right, up, down, and 
diagonally on the screen.

The red fire button on the joystick fiers energy shots at the enemies.  
You fire in the same direction as you are facing.  You are only allowed 
one shot at a time.  Once your missile goes off the screen you are able 
to fire again.

It is not possible to move left off the screen.  All additional screens 
are to the right.

6.  BALL CONTROLLERS work very well with FIREFLY.  Higher scores should be 

7.  GAME SELECT SWITCH will allow you to choose the level of difficulty 
and whether on or two players will be playing.
 *        / . . \		Practice Mode, One Player -- No
/|\      | \__/ |		scoring, unlimited lives.
_|_       \_____/

 *	  			Level One, One Player -- Scoring for
/|\				successfully shooting enemies.  Additional
_|_				scores for picking up treasures 
				and saving the pixy.

 *			*	Level One, Two Players -- Play alternates
/|\		       /|\	starting with the left controller.
_|_		       _|_

 *	    ^			Level Two, One Player -- Enemies are
/|\	  /   \ 		more difficult to shoot.
_|_	  \   /

 *	    ^ 		*	Level Two, Two Players
/|\	  /   \	       /|\
_|_	  \   /	       _|_


8.  BEGIN PLAY by pressing the game reset button or by pressing the red 
fire button on your controller.  After each loss of a life a small 
controller symbol will appear at the top of the screen.  Pressing the red 
fire button on your controller will restart the game.

9.  SCORING is done by hitting the enemies with a missile, picking up
treasures, and rescuing the pixy.  Points are awarded on the following

	Shoot enemy		10 points
	Shoot pumpkin		20 points
	Rescue pixy		30 points
	Recover treasure	99 points

10.  LIVES remaining are displayed at the top of the screen.  When the 
game begins you have three lives.

12.  DIFFICULTY is determined by selecting the Practice, First Level or
Second Level f difficulty.  In the Practice Level you are able to get 
into every screen meeting all of the enemies but there is no score and 
you have an unlimited number of lives.  The First Level and the Second 
Level of difficulty have the same features as the Practice Level but all 
of the enemies are more evil.

Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

image 4

Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.



FireFly Arcade Game Emulated on the Atari 2600. Play FireFly in your web browser or mobile phone. This Atari 2600 console emulator provides very accurate FireFly gameplay. FireFly is a classic 1980s Atari 2600 video game.