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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
RACQUETBALL You are a racquetball player, and you have accepted the challenge of a formidable opponent. Both combatants enter the arena through the opening in the wall, and the frenzied game begins with the crack of the racquet against the first ball. The pace is fast and furious as the ball recoils from the backboard at ninety miles per hour. Are you fast enough to react in time to return the ball? Can you endure the fast pace and vanquish the opponent? If you are willing to try, it will leave you as breathless as a real game on a real court. WARNING: Don't let your opponent ace you... THE SET-UP Racquetball is played with one or two players using the Joystick Controller. Be sure the power is off when you insert or remove Racquetball from your video game system. THE DIFFICULTY SWITCH Placing the difficulty switch in the "B" position will allow the player to more easily control his shots, while accuracy is more difficult in the "A" mode. You may vary the positions of the Difficulty Switches to provide a handicap advantage for a less experienced player in a two player game. Simply place the switch in position B for the inexperienced player, and position A for the veteran. THE JOYSTICK CONTROLLER Hold your Joystick Controller so that the red "FIRE" button is in the upper lefthand corner. Use your joystick to move your player across the floor of the court. He can move in any of eight different directions as illustrated above. In one-player games, the computer controls the right player/joystick. RACQUET STROKES Start your serve by pressing the red button. To hit the ball, move your player to make contact between his racquet and the ball. NOTE: You will know that you have moved your player into range to hit the ball when the ball's shadow is at about the same level as the player's feet. The racquet will swing automatically when the player is moved into range to hit the ball. SCORING Scoring is identical with the official racquetball rules. When you serve the ball, it must hit the front wall before touching the floor. The other player can return the ball before it bounces on the floor, but must not let it bounce on the floor twice. You serve until you miss. If you are serving when your opponent misses, you get one point. NOTE: You only make points when you are serving. The first player earning twenty-one points wins. -------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.