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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
--------------- SHUTTLE ORBITER --------------- A single player video game for the Atari 2600 Video Computer System and Sears Video Arcade Intended for use with the left joystick controller and a color = television. GAME BY: Bill Hood Cover Photo: NASA Graphics: Jean Baer Typesetting: Colonial Composition Prep Dept. Coordinator: Elaine Adkins=20 Printing: Monarch Services Any cartridge which fails will be replaced when returned to: The Avalon Hill Video Game Company 4517 Harford Road, Baltimore, Maryland 21214 As with any video game, turn off television and game when not in = use. (c)1983 The Avalon Hill Video Game Company All Printed Material, Video Game and Audio Visual Display = Copyrighted SHUTTLE ORBITER IS AVALON HILL'S TRADEMARK NAME FOR ITS SPACE = SHUTTLE=20 MANEUVERING GAME Atari and Atari 2600 Video Computer Systems are = trademarks of=20 Atari, Inc. Sears and Sears Video Arcade are trademarks of Sears Roebuck = Co. INSTRUCTIONS =20 MISSION You are the pilot of the space shuttle Challenger. Your mission is to=20 complete the construction of a space station in as short a period of = time as=20 possible. There are ten sections remaining to be transported to and = installed=20 in the space station. The sections are available at the orbiting = Factory.=20 Additional fuel is available at the orbital Depot. =20 SETUP =20 Ensure the joystick you intend on using is securely plugged into the = LEFT=20 controller port. Insert the game cartridge and turn your game system on. GAME LEVEL SELECTION =20 When first turned on or after pressing RESET, the title display will=20 indicate game level 1. To play a more difficult game, move the joystick = up=20 (or down) to select game 2 or 3. For a practice session (no orbital = debris),=20 select game Q. When the desired game level is displayed, press the = joystick=20 fire button to initiate liftoff. THE ORBITAL DISPLAY Once in orbit you will see the Orbital Display. At the top of the = screen is=20 a view of the earth and various objects in orbit. The white object = represents=20 the Challenger. The gold object is the Space Station under construction. = The=20 red object is the orbiting Factory, and the green object is the orbital = Depot.=20 Orbital debris is not displayed.=20 On the lower half of the screen is the Altitude Indicator. The bars=20 indicate the relative orbital altitude of the Challenger, Space Station, = Factory, and Depot. This indicator is helpful in matching orbits for=20 rendezvous. The elapsed time since entering orbit and the remaining fuel on-board = are=20 displayed at the bottom of the screen. BASIC ORBITAL MECHANICS Maneuvering between orbits follows one basic principle, If you are at = a=20 lower altitude than another object, you will orbit the earth faster than = the=20 object. If you are at a higher altitude than another object, you will = orbit=20 the earth slower than that object. The greater the difference in = altitudes,=20 the greater the relative orbital speed. If you desire to rendezvous with an object that is ahead of you, you = should=20 choose an orbit with a lower altitude to gain on that object. When you = are=20 near the object, you should increase altitude to match the orbit. Adjust = your=20 position by moving slightly higher to drop back, or by moving slightly = lower=20 to move ahead. Then return to the same orbit as the object you seek. Fire main engines Alternate (Raise orbit)=20 Astronaut/Shuttle-\_ ^ Control \ --------- =20 | o | Fire CMTs Fire CMTs <| O |> (Advance) (Drop Back) | | --------- v For Main Engines=20 (Lower Orbit) =20 MANEUVERING DISPLAYS When you are close to another orbiting object, you will automatically = be=20 switched to a maneuvering display. You must first rendezvous with the Orbiting Factory in order to pick up = a section of the space station. You maneuver the shuttle by changing orbits. If you pull down on the = joystick the orbit will lower and the Factory will move upward and to the left on the display, If you = push up on the joystick, you will raise your orbit and the Factory will move down and to the = right on the display.=20 To keep the shuttle and Factory from drifting together or apart, you = must adjust your orbit=20 so that the middle of the Factory is horizontally centered with the = shuttle.=20 You can maneuver forward or backward in your orbit without gaining or = losing altitude by using the=20 Compensated Maneuvering Thrusters (CMTs). You control the CMTs by = pushing the joystick left=20 or right. Once you have maneuvered the shuttle close to the Factory, press the = fire button once to gain control of=20 the astronaut. Note that the blue band above the clock shifts to white = whenever the joystick controls the=20 astronaut and returns to blue when the joystick controls the shuttle. Move the astronaut out of the shuttle to the door at the top of the = Factory. Safety precautions require that=20 the astronaut be tethered and that he remain in sight of the cockpit. = Additionally, the Challenger's engines=20 cannot be fired while an astronaut is outside the shuttle. If the = astronaut cannot reach the door you will=20 have to return the astronaut to the shuttle and maneuver the shuttle = closer. When the astronaut reaches the=20 door he will be provided a section for the space station. Return the = astronaut to the shuttle and press the=20 fire button once to stow the section and regain control of the shuttle. = If you chose to pick up a second=20 section, press the fire button again to gain control of the astronaut = and repeat the above procedure.=20 Be sure you are controlling the astronaut so you don't mistakenly drive = the shuttle into the factory.=20 When you have loaded the shuttle, press the fire buffoon so that the = band above the clock is blue and=20 maneuver the shuttle away from the Factory toward your next destination. = You will automatically be=20 switched to the Orbital Display when you sufficiently clear the Factory. = When the shuttle is low on fuel,=20 rendezvous with the Orbital Depot. You must line up the nose of the = shuttle into the slot on the left side of the Depot without bumping into = it. Maximum fuel load for the shuttle is 9000 kgs. ALIGN TOP OF SECTION WITH TOP OF MARK In order to complete the space station, you must properly insert the = last=20 ten sections into the proper place. After you rendezvous with the Space=20 Station, move the astronaut out of the shuttle near to the rotating = station.=20 If you hold down the fire button while the astronaut is out of the = shuttle=20 the space station will slow its rotation to facilitate insertion of the=20 section. The section must be inserted so that it properly fits one of = the gaps=20 in the left side of the space station. If the section hits the space = station=20 or is inserted into the wrong gap, it will be damaged and you will have = to=20 return it to the Factory for replacement. If the station is inserted = correctly=20 it will remain attached to the space station. If you have carried a = second=20 section in the shuttle, return the astronaut to the shuttle and press = the fire=20 button TWICE to get the second section. =20 The earth recently passed through the tail of a comet and a ring of = debris=20 is forming around the earth. The ring is orbiting in the opposite = direction of=20 the shuttle. When you are near the ring the display will automatically = shift=20 from the orbital display until you have passed through the debris. WINNING You win the game when you successfully install all ten sections of the = Space Station. The elapsed time in orbit and game difficulty level will = be=20 displayed. LOSING You lose when you run out of fuel, failing to complete the space = station.=20 The elapsed time in orbit is displayed above the game difficulty level = and=20 the number of sections successfully installed. PLAYING TIPS =20 Any time the shuttle hits the Factory, Depot, Space Station, or debris = it=20 will be damaged and leak fuel. The greater the number of hits, the = greater=20 the rate of fuel loss. Any time the Challenger hits an object there is at least a 25% chance = you=20 will damage your cargo. Due to packing constraints, if you are carrying = two=20 sections and hit an object, you will definitely damage one section - = possibly=20 both. You can only examine the sections at the Factory or Space Station. = If=20 the section has no prongs on the right-hand side, it is damaged and = cannot be=20 used. If one of the two sections being carried is damaged, the good = section=20 will be brought out first by the astronaut. The shuttle consumes more fuel carrying two sections (damaged or not) = than=20 carrying one section, and more fuel carrying one section than with no = cargo. Only one refueling should be necessary for the truly proficient pilot. GAME CONTROLS No switches other than the ON/OFF, COLOR/BW, and RESET switches are = used. =20 You can pause the game by pushing the COLOR/BW switch to the BW = position.=20 To resume, push to the COLOR position. The RESET switch will start a new = game.
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.
Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.