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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea BattleBasic MathBlackjackCombatIndy 500Star ShipStreet RacerSurround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.

This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!

Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game


If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.

Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button

{Fuji} Atari 2600(TM) Game Manual

  by Exidy

{drawing of Winky caught in a coil of snakes}

                Mysterious Dissappearances!

                Authorities Baffled


Over the past few weeks, several professional treasure hunters have
dissappeared while exploring a dungeon reputed to house the most priceless
treasures in the world. The only known survivor has returned with stories
of monsters who eliminate anyone who dares enter the dungeon's halls and
complex labyrinth of chambers. But authorities are not taking such reports

"We have no rational explanation for these dissappearances," one
investigator reported. "All we know is that the brave soul who wants to
claim those treasures had better be sharp. At this point, the only one I
know who's clever enough for the job is Winky(TM)," he told a crowd of
would-be hunters. "Our hero should be ready with bow and arrows. Whoever
or whatever is guarding those treasures is determined that no one come[s]
out of there alive."

                Getting Started

1. With your TV turned on, insert the Venture cartridge into your
   Atari 2600 (or 7800TM) as explained in your Owner's Manual, and
   turn on your console. A dungeon made up of hallways and four
   chambers appears on the screen, guarded by roaming Hallmonsters(TM).
   Winky is a small dot at the bottom of the screen.

2. Plug a joystick into the left joystick port.

3. If your are using an Atari 2600, select either color or black and
   white with the TV switch.

4. Set the Left and Right Difficulty switches to select a skill level
   from 1 to 4. (Level 1 is the easiest and 4 the most difficult.)

   Skill          Switch
   Level          Setting
     1         left B/right B
     2         left B/right A
     3         left A/right B
     4         left A/right A

5. Press _[Reset]_ to start the game or to begin a new game.

                Playing the Game

Hold the joystick so that the fire button is on the top-left corner

Move the joystick handle left, right, up, or down to make Winky run.

Position the joystick handle in the direction you want Winky to
shoot an arrow. Then press the fire button.

You'll begin your venture in the first hall of chambers. Each chamber
houses one treasure, guarded by herd of horrible and dangerous monsters.
Your goal is to capture the treasure in every chamber. To do so, you
must get past the Hallmonsters, enter each chamber, and capture the
treasure. The order for entering the chambers is up to you. But once
you grab a treasure from a chamber, you're locked out of that chamber
for good.

Capturing the treasure is no easy task. Once you enter a chamber, you
must be alert. While you're running for the treasure, the monsters
inside the chamber are running after you. You can stop them by
killing them with your arrows. But grab the treasure first, then shoot
them, to win points. If you run into a chamber monster, dead or alive,
you'll lose a Winky.

As if this weren't enough to worry about, those pesky Hallmonsters are
gettinng impatient. If you stay inside a chamber too long, they'll come
in to get you. You cannot shoot Hallmonsters, however. The only way to
protect yourself is to run from them. If they get you, you'll lose a

The trickiest chamber of all is the Wall Room. Here you can reach the
treasure only by careful timing. Unfortunately for you, you can't shoot
the moving, electrified walls.

If you capture the treasure in every chamber, you'll descend to a new
hall of chambers, even more horrible and dangerous than the previous

Remember that Winky has three backups to help out in case he runs into
trouble. The game is over if you use up all four of the Winkies.

        The Dungeon

|                    Score                     Winkies                       |
|     0 0 0 0 0 0    Indicator                 Remaining    # # #            |
|                                                                            |
|                          ####    ##################################        |
|     @@  ############     ####    #                                #        |
|     @@  #          #     ####                                              |
|         #   Wall         ####    #                                #        |
|         #          #     ####    #                                #        |
|             Room   #     ####    #                                #        |
|         #          #     ####    ###########################      #        |
|         ############                                       #      #        |
|                                                    @@      #      #        |
|                                                    @@      #      #        |
|                        @@                                  #      #        |
|                        @@  ##########################      ########        |
|                            ##########################                      |
|                                                                            |
|       ######  ##########      Hallway                                      |
|       #                #                                                   |
|       #                #         ###         #########################     | 
|       #       ##########         ###         #                       #     |
|       #       #                  ###         #                       #     |
|       #       #        @@        ###         #                       #     |
|       #       #        @@        ###         ###  ###########              |
|    @@ #       #                  ###                        #        #     |
|    @@ #       ###############    ###                        #        #     |
|  /    #                     #    ###                        #        # @@  |
|  \    #                     #    ###                        #        # @@  |
|   \   #                          ###                        #        #     |
|    |  #                     #    ###      ###################        #     |
|    |  #                     #    ###      #                          #     |
|    |  #######################    ###      #      Chamber             #     |
|    |                                      #                          #     |
|    \--< Hallmonster           . Winky     ############################     |


The deeper you descend into the dungeon, the more points you'll win.

Grab a treasure ................................. 200 points and up

Shoot a monster after grabbing a treasure ....... 100 points and up

                Inside a Chamber

|                                                                      |
|  0 0 0 0 0 0                                            # # #        |
|                                                                      |
|                                                                      |
|     #################     #################################          |
|     #                                                     #          |
|     #                                                     #          |
|     #                                                     #          |
|     #                                                     #          |
|     #                                                     #          |
|     #     x               #################################          |
|     #   xx xx             #                                          |
|     #   xxxxx             #                                          |
|     #    xxx              #                                          |
|     #   xx xx             #                                          |
|     #                     #                                          |
|     #  Monster            #                                          |
|     #                     #                                          |
|     #                     #                                          |
|     #                     #                                          |
|     #                     #                                          |
|     #                     #########################################  |
|     #                                                             #  |
|     #                                                             #  |
|     #                   x                                         #  |
|     #                 xx xx                                Winky  #  |
|     #                 xxxxx                      Winky's          #  |
|     #                  xxx                       Arrow     ...    #  |
|     #                 xx xx                             # .   .   #  |
|     #                                                    . # # .  #  |
|     #                                            x       .     .  #  |
|     #    ++                                    xx xx     .#   #.  #  |
|     # + ++++ +                                 xxxxx      .###.   #  |
|     # ++++++++                                  xxx        ...    #  |
|     #  ++  ++  Treasure                        xx xx              #  |
|     #   ++++                                                      #  |
|     #                                                             #  |
|     ###############################################################  |
|                                                                      |

Atari Corporation is unable to guarantee the accuracy of printed material
after the date of publication and disclaims liability for changes, errors,
or omissions. Reproductions of this document or any portion of its contents
is not allowed without the specific written consent of Atari Corporation.

ATARI, the ATARI logo, 2600, and 7800 are trademarks or registered
trademarks of Atari Corporation. Venture, Winky and Hallmonster are
trademarks of Exidy, Inc., (c) 1981, Exidy, Inc. 2600 version (c) 1982,
Coleco Industries, Inc.

(c) 1988, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. All rights reserved.

Printed in Hong Kong C300016-145 Rev. Faith Luck

-------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------
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Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

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Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.



Venture Arcade Game Emulated on the Atari 2600. Play Venture in your web browser or mobile phone. This Atari 2600 console emulator provides very accurate Venture gameplay. Venture is a classic 1980s Atari 2600 video game.