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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
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Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
WIZARD OF WOR Video game cartridge for the Atari Video Computer System and Sears Video Arcade. GAME PLAY INSTRUCTIONS copyright 1982 Gabriel Industries, a division of CBS Inc. Wizard of Wor copyright 1981 Bally Midway Mfg. Co. All Rights Reserved SETTING UP YOUR VIDEO CONSOLE 1. Hook up your video game system, following the manufacturer's instructions. 2. With the power OFF, plug in the video game cartridge. 3. Turn power ON. If no image appears, check the connections of your game system to the TV, then repeat steps 1-3. 4. Plug the Joystick Controllers firmly into the jacks of your video system. Use the RIGHT controller jack for one-player games. 5. Set the DIFFICULTY switches to B for beginner level. Setting the switches to A will result in extra sneaky Worlings. 6. Use the GAME SELECT switch to select either the one-player or two-player version. The version you select will be indicated by the number of score boards appearing above the dungeon. 7. To start the game, press GAME RESET. The beginning of the game is announced by the playing of the National Anthem of Wor, after which you may enter the dungeon by pushing up on your Joystick Controller. Note: Never remove your video game cartridge from the console unless the power is turned OFF. Welcome to the mystical kingdom of Wor! You have been placed in command of an elite squadron of Worriors assigned the task of outwitting the sinister Wizard of Wor! As you descend into his diabolical dungeons, you will encounter deadly Worlings and maybe even the Wizard himself! Your only weapons are your trusty laser, your radar scanner, and your ability and cunning. You will need them all as you attempt to beat the Wizard and earn the title of Worlord! Prepare now, and then let the battle begin! OBJECT OF THE GAME The object of WIZARD OF WOR is to accumulate points by destroying the Worlings you encounter as you pass through numerous dungeon mazes. In the two-player version you can work with or compete against another Worrior commander. WORRIORS & LASER BLASTERS You begin each game with a squadron of three Worriors. Only one Worrior may enter and move about a dungeon at a time. Push up on your Joystck and a Worrior will move into the dungeon from the entrance below. Use your joystick to maneuver the Worrior through the dungeon maze. To fire the laser, press down on the red firing button. A laser will fire only in the direction that your Worrior is facing. You have an unlimited supply of ammunition. However, after a Worrior fires a shot, he cannot reshoot until that bullet makes contact with either a Worling or a wall. At 10,000 points you will be awarded one extra Worrior. DUNGEONS & WORLINGS Each dungeon is filled with different kinds of Worlings. The Worlings' one purpose in life is to destroy your Worrior. They will try to shoot him down or devour him. As each dungeon is cleared, a new dungeon takes its place, filled with faster, nastier and craftier Worlings. The species of Worlings are: BURWORS Six of these blue meanies appear at the beginning of each dungeon. GARWORS These yellow beasties are invisible, but will materialize for a few seconds from time to time. THORWORS These red devils are particularly nasty. They're not invisible most of the time, but they're extra fast and tricky. In the first dungeon, Garwors and Thorwors will appear only after all six Burwors are destroyed. In following dungeons, Garwors and Thorwors appear earlier on. As you advance into more and more dungeons, you may be faced with any combination of Worlings scampering about the maze at the same time. WORLUK Starting in the second dungeon, Worluck - the Wizard's winged beast - appears after the last Worling is shot. Worluk will try to devour you before he escapes from the dungeon. Shooting Worluk doubles the point values for all Worlings shot in the next dungeon. THE WIZARD OF WOR After Worluk escapes or is shot, the Wizard himself may engage you in battle. This is a fight to the finish, with the Wizard teleporting from one position to another, hurling lightning bolts in your direction. If you're sharp enough to stay alive, consider yourself a Worlord! SPECIAL FEATURES [Diagram of a dungeon maze, pointing out the Escape Door, a Worling Cluster, the Radar Scanner, and the opposite Escape Door.] RADAR SCANNER The radar scanner located below each dungeon depicts the location and movement of all beings in that dungeon except for your Worrior. This holds true for both visible and invisible Worlings, as well as Worluk and the Wizard. The radar scanner is invaluable in keeping track of fast moving Worlings. ESCAPE DOORS There are escape doors located on opposite sides of each dungeon. Simply stepping into one will automatically beam your Worrior to the other side. The doors open and close every three seconds. Be careful, though. Worlings have a habit of using them, too, especially when they're invisible. WORLING CLUSTERS Occassionally, two Worlings will travel together as a cluster, giving the appearance of only one Worling. They might randomly split up and reunite throughout a particular dungeon. When they travel in this manner, a single shot will destroy both of them. But don't get too confident. Depending on how advanced the dungeon is, a cluster might be replaced by two separately traveling Garwors or Thorwors. END OF GAME The game ends when your last Worrior succumbs to the supreme power of the Wizard's forces and is destroyed. TWO-PLAYER VERSION Two players may travel through each dungeon at the same time. Both Joystick Controllers are used in this version. The right one controls the Yellow Worriors and the left one controls the Blue Worriors. Players may work together to destroy Worlings or they may fight against each other. Each Worrior destroyed by an opposing Worrior is worth 1,000 points to the survivor. SCORING Your score is displayed at the top of the screen throughout the battle. Point values: Blue Burwors 100 points Yellow Garwors 200 points Red Thorwors 500 points Worluk 1000 points plus double score in the next dungeon Wizard of Wor 2500 points Worriors (Two-player version) 1000 points STRATEGY HINTS 1. Pick a safe moment and put your Worrior into play as soon as possible. Otherwise, after 20 seconds he'll be ejected into the dungeon which may leave him in a bad position. 2. Learn to use your radar scanner and rely on it to locate invisible Worlings and track their movements. 3. Don't shoot without having a plan to hit something. Otherwise, you may not be able to shoot when you have to. CBS Video Games Video Game Cartridge Limited Ninety Day Warranty Gabriel Industries, a division of CBS Inc. Hagerstown MD 21740
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.