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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
Zaxxon SEGA For use with the Atari 2600 Video Computer System and Sears Video Arcade. - For one or two players - For color or black and white TV - Select from four skill levels Game Description Coleco's ZAXXON is a stunning 3-D space game that takes you across alien asteroid fortresses on a special mission. The evil robot ZAXXON and its fierce armies have conquered an asteroid belt. You must stop them before they enslave the entire galaxy! Pass the barrier on the first asteroid, then dive to the enemy surface. Evade fire from gun turrets and mobots as you search for the Robot Warrior. Once you successfully cross the asteroid fortress, you must fly through deep space. Avoid the enemy squadron combing the galaxy in search of your fighter! Can you defeat the evil Zaxxon? Getting Ready To Play - Make sure the Video Computer System is connected to the TV, and the power supply is plugged in. - Be sure that you have plugged the controllers into the jacks at the rear of the Video Computer System. - Insert cartridge as shown, then turn On/Off switch to On. (ALWAYS TURN THE ON/OFF SWITCH TO OFF WHEN INSERTING OR REMOVING A CARTRIDGE.) [Diagram of proper connection of an Atari VCS to a television set.] Using Your Controls For a one-player game, use the left controller. For a two-player game, Player 1 uses the left controller; Player 2 uses the right controller. Always hold controller with the Red Button to your upper left (toward the TV). 1. CONTROL STICK: Push the Control Stick away from you to make your fighter move down. Pull the Control Stick toward you to make your fighter move up. Push the Control Stick away from you and to the right or left to move your fighter down-right or down-left. Pull the Control Stick toward you and to the right or left to make your fighter move up-right or up-left. Push the Control Stick left or right to make your fighter move left or right. 2. RED BUTTON: Press the Red Button to make your fighter fire an energy blast. Note: The left and right Difficulty Switches are not used for ZAXXON. Here's How To Play STEP 1: Choose Your game. Press Game Select until the Game Option number you want appears at the top of the screen, according to the following: 1 = Skill 1 / One Player 2 = Skill 2 / One Player 3 = Skill 3 / One Player 4 = Skill 4 / One Player 5 = Skill 1 / Two Players 6 = Skill 2 / Two Players 7 = Skill 3 / Two Players 8 = Skill 4 / Two Players Then press Game Reset to begin the first phase. [Fortress Screen Diagram: Score Indicator top centre, Altitude Indicator bar on side left, Fuel Remaining Indicator bottom centre, Fighters Remaining Indicator - the number beside Fuel Remaining, Fighter, Barrier, Gun Turret, Fuel Tank, Mobot and Radar Tower.] STEP 2: To battle! Your fighter approaches Zaxxon's first asteroid base. Fly high to avoid crashing into the first wall! Then swoop down to attack enemy targets. Watch out for return fire from turrets and dodger guns. STEP 3: Running out of fuel. Careful! Your fighter guzzles fuel as you zoom over Zaxxon's territory. Keep an eye on your fuel gauge. Fire at fuel tanks to fill up. Then slip over the gap in the wall at the end of the asteroid base and prepare for a battle in space. [Space Battle Screen Diagram: Enemy Planes, Enemy Blast, Fighter and Fighter Blast.] STEP 4: Attack in space. You've made it past Zaxxon's first ground force. Now try your skill against Zaxxon's planes in space. They can dive at you from above, below or hit you head on. Eliminate as many planes as you can in this sudden attack. STEP 5: More asteroid action. You're heading toward another asteroid. In games played at skills 2-4, some targets are protected by electronic barriers. Slip through gaps in the barriers to avoid the deadly electronic beams. [Zaxxon Confrontation Screen Diagram: Robot Zaxxon, Robot Missile and your Fighter.] STEP 6: Meet the robot Zaxxon. Pass the final barrier and your fighter no longer moves forward. A deadly force holds it back! But fortunately, you can still move up, down and sideways. Suddenly, the robot Zaxxon approaches. Only one spot on Zaxxon is vulnerable - the missile under its arm. To eliminate Zaxxon, you must shoot its missile repeatedly before it fires. If you fail, you still have a chance to hit the speeding missile and proceed to the next round of play. If you don't eliminate the missile, your fighter will be eliminated. It takes several hits to eliminate Zaxxon's missile: Skill Level 1........3 hits Skill Level 2........4 hits Skill Level 3........5 hits Skill Level 4........6 hits STEP 7: Onward through the galaxy! Once you've gone past the robot Zaxxon, another asteroid challenges your skill and coordination. Then it's back into deep space to confront another wave of enemy fighters. STEP 8: Starting over. Keep defending the universe until you run out of fighters. To replay the Game Option that you have been playing, press Reset. To select another Game Option, press Game Select, then press Reset. SCORING ENEMY TARGETS POINTS Enemy Plane 200 points Fuel Tank 300 points Gun Turret 400 points Mobot 400 points Dodger Gun 500 points Radar Tower 1000 points Robot Zaxxon's Missile 1000 points Robot Zaxxon 5000 points Each player receives five fighters per game. You receive a bonus fighter if your score reaches 10,000 points. The Fun of Discovery This instruction booklet will provide the basic information you need to get started playing ZAXXON, but it is only the beginning! You will find that this cartridge is full of special features to make ZAXXON exciting every time you play. Experiment with different techniques - and enjoy the game!
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.