Winter Games Atari 7800 Video Game
Instructions and Game Controls

Z key to Start game
On some Shooting Games you may use your mouse to move and fire.
SUPER GAME ATARI (R) 7800 (TM) Game Manual WINTER GAMES (TM) by Epyx (R) MOMENT OF TRUTH You're an athlete at the 1988 Winter Games at Calgary, Alberta, Canada. You're about to move across snow and ice with as much speed, strength, endurance and grace as you can muster in the blustery cold. This is the winter portion of the world's foremost amateur sports competition. You'll match your skills against the top athletes. Be proud. Today you stand among the elite few whose courage and stamina will be tested by these Winter Games. Listen. A fanfare of trumpets sound as thousands of white doves are releases, symbolically to fly to the countries of the world with the message of peace -- and the news that the Winter Games have begun. This is it -- your chance to go for the gold! OBJECTIVES WINTER GAMES challenges your competitive skills with a series of athletic contests for 1 to 8 players. You can compete in four challenging winter events -- Biathlon (cross-country skiing and rifle shooting), Speed Skating, Ski Jump, and Bobsled. Practice each event first to hone your skills. Then choose from the 18 countries you can represent in the competition, and go for the gold! WINTER GAMES provides judges, keeps scores, and awards medals to the winners -- the Gold for the first, Silver for second, and the Bronze for third place. Get ready to give it your best -- and remember the motto of the ancient Greek athletes: Citius -- Altius -- Fortius "Faster -- Higher -- Stronger!" GETTING STARTED 1. Insert the WINTER GAMES Cartridge into your Atari 7800 as explained in your owner's manual. 2. Plug a controller into the left controller jack. This is Player 1's controller. For two or more players, you may plug a second controller into the right controller jack. 3. Turn on your television, then press the POWER button to turn on your console. The WINTER GAMES Opening Ceremonies will appear. 4. Press RESET or the left joystick's FIRE button to enter the Main Menu. STARTING PLAY Opening Ceremony A spectacular opening ceremony welcomes you to WINTER GAMES. An athlete bearing the flaming torch mounts the steps to light the sacred fire that burns night and day throughout the WINTER GAMES. White doves are released over the stadium, to symbolize peace on earth. Let the games begin! How to Play Once the opening ceremony concludes, a menu screen offers you a choice of six options. To make a selection, use your joystick or the SELECT key to move the cursor to your choice, then press the FIRE button or RESET. OPTION 1: Compete in All Events Compete in all four events, in this order: Biathlon, Speed Skating, Ski Jump, and Bobsled. The computer keeps a running tally of medals awarded to each player. * To enter your name, use the joystick and press the FIRE button. Select END to continue after all letters are entered. * To choose your country, use the joystick to move the cursor to the flag of your choice, then press the FIRE button to select that country. * Repeat name and country selection for each additional player (up to eight). When all players' names and countries are entered select END and press the FIRE button again. OPTION 2: Compete in Some Events Similar to OPTION 1, but you only compete in the two or three events you select. * Use the joystick to choose the events, then press the FIRE button to select. An asterisk will appear next to the event's name. Select GO COMPETE to begin play. OPTION 3: Compete in One Event Similar to OPTION 1, but you only compete in one event which you select. * Use the joystick to choose the event, then press the FIRE button. OPTION 4: Practice One Event No medals are awarded for practice round scores. * Move the joystick to choose the event, then press the FIRE button. OPTION 5: Number of Joysticks For one player, select 1. For two or more players, be sure both joysticks are plugged in an select 2. * Select 1 or 2 by pressing the FIRE button. OPTION 6: Opening Ceremonies Repeats the opening ceremonies. Awards Ceremony After every event, the names, countries, and scores of all competitors are listed in the order they placed. The name of the Gold Medal winner appears at the top of the screen. Continuing Play To restart WINTER GAMES at any time, press RESET. The program will return to the main menu. THE GAMES Biathlon Race over a cross-country track on skis with a .22 caliber rifle slung over your shoulder. You have only a few cartridges to fire at the required targets, so steady your sights and develop an eagle eye before you fire away! * Move your joystick left and right to move your skier's legs in steady, rhythmic kicks and glides. * On LEVEL GROUND, keep up a steady pace by moving your joystick back and forth. * For UPHILL terrain, move the joystick faster to increase speed. * DOWNHILL stretches go fastest if you use the double-pole technique. Pull the joystick down when the skier's hands are in front, to get the maximum push down the slope. * SHOOTING: You are issued five cartridges to shoot at five targets, and every miss is a 5-second penalty. The gun must be loaded and the shell ejected after each shot. Pull the joystick BACK to open the gun chamber. Push the joystick FORWARD to load the shell. Push the FIRE button to shoot. Repeat for the next shot. The skier's heart rate affects your accuracy -- so cool down, and take careful aim before you fire! * The winner or high score is the skier with the fastest total time. Speed Skating Speed Skaters can move at 30 miles per hour -- much faster than athletic track runners. In fact, Speed Skating champions are the fastest self- propelled human beings over level earth! In Speed Skating, two racers skate side-by-side, in separate lanes, as fast as they can go! * When "PRESS YOUR BUTTON" appears at the bottom of the screen, the player whose name appears must press the joystick FIRE button. This begins the countdown. * When the countdown reaches "GO," begin skating by moving the joystick to the LEFT and RIGHT to move your skater's legs. The trick is to make the skaters legs move back and forth as in real skating. * Continue skating by moving the joystick back and forth in rhythmic strokes to move your racer's legs. Build your natural skating rhythm faster to get up to speed -- and GO FOR IT! * The skater with the fastest time wins the race. * When the race is over, press the FIRE button to begin the next event. Ski Jump Every gust of wind chills your body as you look down from the top of the jump tower to the runway far below. The judges and spectators look like insects from this height. GO! Your coiled body lurches forward and suddenly you're into another world! You crouch down low, in a tucked position, to accumulate as much speed as possible. At the take-off, you leap out, push up, and lean forward, over the edge of your skis, to reduce wind resistance and increase the length of your jump. * Press the FIRE button to begin your approach. * When you reach the takeoff point, press the FIRE button. * In the air, watch the upper right-hand corner of the screen for faults. Correct faults quickly to get maximum style points and distance. * If your knees are BENT, move the joystick UP to correct. * If you're TOO FAR FORWARD, move joystick LEFT. * TOO FAR BACK, move joystick RIGHT. * SKIS CROSSED, move joystick DOWN. If you don't correct your faults in time, your Ski Jumper's wild antics will cause wind resistance and lose style points. Ski Jump scores are based on distance and form. DISTANCE: is based on the timing of the takeoff, and the aerodynamics of the Jumper in the air. STYLE: You'll get more points if you recover quickly from faults and don't fall. Scores Your maximum is tallied by multiplying your DISTANCE (x) 3 (+) STYLE POINTS. A respectable Ski Jump score would be a flight of 60 meters and 20 style points for a total of 200 points. Bobsled Prepare to careen down a track of solid ice -- while you crouch in a precision-built machine of steel and aluminum. You'll fly around hair- raising turns, then plummet down the bumpy straightaways at speeds exceeding 90 miles per hour! * Press the FIRE button to begin the race. * Move the joystick left and right to guide your sled. HINTS: Steer hard! To avoid capsizing at the turns, try to anticipate the pull of centrifugal force, and steer hard in the opposite direction. Watch your speed! The power bar at the bottom of the screen shows how fast you're going. The faster you go, the harder you have to steer to keep plummeting toward the finish. Learn the course! An intimate knowledge of the course is important, so you learn the best position to take each corner. * The winning bobsled's score is based upon the fastest time through the tracks. THE WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES The first winter games were held as Chamonix, France in 1924, when they were accepted as a celebration comparable to the Summer Games and given the official blessing of the International Olympic Committee. Since then, the winter games have been held at the following locations. WINTER OLYMPIC GAMES Date Place 1924 Chamonix, France 1928 St. Moritz, Switzerland 1932 Lake Placid, New York 1936 Garmisch-Partenkirchen, Germany 1948 St. Moritz, Switzerland 1952 Oslo, Norway 1956 Cortina, Italy 1960 Squaw Valley, California 1964 Innsbruck, Austria 1968 Grenoble, France 1972 Sapporo, Japan 1976 Innsbruck, Austria 1980 Lake Placid, New York 1984 Sarajevo, Czechoslovakia {?} 1988 Calgary, Ontario {?} Atari Corporation is unable to guarantee the accuracy of printed material after the date of publication and disclaims liability for changes, errors, or omissions. Reproduction of this document or any portion of its contents is not allowed without the specific written permission of Atari Corporation. ATARI and 7800 are trademarks or registered trademarks of Atari Corporation. Winter Games is a trademark of Epyx Inc. Copyright (C) 1987, Atari Corporation, Sunnyvale, CA 94086. All rights reserved. Printed in Taiwan. C024857-31 K.I.1.1988
Winter Games (1987) (Atari) [!] Arcade Game Emulated on the Atari 7800. Play Winter Games (1987) (Atari) [!] in your web browser. This Atari 7800 console emulator provides very accurate Winter Games (1987) (Atari) [!] gameplay. Winter Games (1987) (Atari) [!] is a classic 1980s Atari 7800 video game.