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Adventure Island 3 NES Video Game

Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.

Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

Click Game Window Size Button to Zoom Game Size between default, 1.5X and 2X

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If you are a little tech savvy, we also offer all these
NES games in a JAVA Emulator.

Keyboard Controls
Gamepad Button Player 1
Left Left Arrow
Right Right Arrow
Up Up Arrow
Down Down Arrow
Start/Pause Enter
Select Ctrl
amazon 3

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.


Adventure Island 3(tm)

Hudson Soft(tm)

Instruction Booklet


Game Story

Jeannie Jungle has been captured by aliens! She's stranded somewhere on one
of eight islands and you, as the somewhat heroic Master Higgins, must find 
her. But be careful - each island is guarded by an enormous creature that's
very hungry!

Fortunately, you have a little help. There are five kinds of friendly 
dinosaurs waiting to give you a lift. They're stuck in eggs that you'll need
to crack open!

Hidden eggs are scattered all over the islands. By finding and breaking them
open, you might get a bonus, or even a secret way to the next island! Just
don't eat the eggplant...

So hop on one of your dinosaur pals, and ride your way to Jeannie's 


The Characters

Master Higgins: The bumbling, jumping hero who can really toss an axe!

Jeannie: The fair damsel in distress.

Master Higgins' dinosaur friends

"Taylor" (Blue) Sure-footed on the ice, he can whip a blast
Camptosaurus:   with his tail!

"Magma" (Red)   This hot-foot can walk on lava, but you'd better
Camptosaurus:   watch his breath... he spits fireballs!

Pterandon:      Don-Don can fly sky high!

"Classie"       She swims really fast...
Elasmosaurus:   even with those sunglasses!

"Poley"         This guy can rock, but he really
Tripetaurus:    knows how to roll!


How To Use The Controller

Control Pad

Left    Moves Master Higgins and the dinosaurs to the left.
Right   Moves Master Higgins and the dinosaurs to the right.
Up      Allows Master Higgins and the dinosaurs to jump higher.
Down    Allows Master Higgins to duck.

A Button

Jump    Master Higgins, Taylor, Magma and Poley.
Fly     Don-Don.
Swim    Master Higgins and Classie.

B Button

Speed Up    Hold down while running.
Super Jump  Hold down while jumping.
Throw Weapon  Master Higgins.


How To Use The Controller (cont.)

Press the B Button to use the special attacks listed below:

Special Attacks

Whip Tail     While riding Taylor.
Spit Fire     While riding Magma.
Drop Rocks    While riding Don-Don.
Rockin' Roll  While riding Poley.

Start Button

Start         Continue or Pause the Game


How To Play

You, as Master Higgins, must explore 8 islands, and defeat 9 monsters to
rescue Jeannie Jungle. On each island, there are many areas ot discover.

Energy: When you begin each area, you have a full Energy Bar. It is 
displayed on the top of the screen between your score and the number of 
lives you have left. The Energy Bar will continuously go down as you play.
To keep it full, you must eat fruits, drink milk or eat meat. Fruit appears
regularly in almost every area. You will receive points at the end of each
area based on how much energy you have.

Eggs: When you first start playing, you won't have any weapons or items. But
as you explore the islands, you'll find eggs that might contain weapons or
items. To open an egg, jump on it. If you have a weapon, you can also shoot
an egg to open it. Eggs can contain several different items, such as milk
bottles, axes, boomerangs, time-stops, dinosaurs, and even keys that lead to
bonus rounds and secret rooms!

There are also hidden eggs in every island. To try to find a hidden egg, 
shoot your axe, boomerang or shoot with the dinosaurs. If you hear a sound
that sounds like you just hit an enemy,and you also see your "shots" 
disappear in mid-air, go to that spot and jump. When you jump, you should 
make an egg appear. You can break the egg open as usual.

Hint: Shooting birds can make some of them drop eggs!


How To Play (cont.)

Item Select: At the beginning of each area, you will see an item select 
screen. This screen allows you to use items that you have collected 
throughout the game. You can collect axes, boomerangs, invincibility 
crystals and each of the dinosaurs. You cannot collect skateboards. To store
a dinosaur, axe or boomerang that Master Higgins is using, press the B 
button. A picture of the item appears on the bottom of the screen. The 
number of those items in storage is displayed to the right of the picture.

You may use up to 1 dinosaur and 1 axe or boomerang and 1 invincibility 
crystal at a time. To select them, use either the Control Pad or the Select
button. When the white dot is next to the item you desire, press the A 

When your storage space for an item is empty, an egg will appear in its 

Note: When you first start the game, you will not have any items in storage.
You will only see pictures of 8 eggs.



Points are earned by: Eating fruit, shooting enemies, freeing dinosaurs from
eggs, destroying boulders, collecting bouns items and for the remaining 
energy at the end of an area.

Extra Lives: You are awarded an extra life for every 20,000 points you earn.
1-up's area also scattered throughout the game in hidden places, like within
eggs and under boulders. You will also be awarded with a 1-up if you collect
100 pieces of fruit. You may have up to 99 extra lives!

Continues: If you lose all of your lives, you may continue the game by 
choosing "CONTINUE" on the title screen with your Control Pad or Select
Button, then pressing the Start Button. You will continue with all the 
items you had in storage.



Special Items: There are other items you may discover in Adventure Island 3.

Honey Girl: She's tough. As long as she's around, you're invincible!

Eggplant: Master Higgins hates Eggplant. If
he comes around, your energy will quickly 
fade away!

Flower: Sometimes if gives you bonus points. 
But if you can't pick it up, watch out!
An enemy might run at you from behind!

Time-Stop: This little clock will temporarily
freeze everything. Run fast before time starts

End of Manual

These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.

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Adventureisland3 Arcade Game Emulated on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Play Adventureisland3 in your web browser or mobile phone. This NES emulator provides very accurate Adventureisland3 gameplay. Adventureisland3 is a classic 1980s NES video game.