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Bases Loaded 4 NES Video Game

Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.

Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

Click Game Window Size Button to Zoom Game Size between default, 1.5X and 2X

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Keyboard Controls
Gamepad Button Player 1
Left Left Arrow
Right Right Arrow
Up Up Arrow
Down Down Arrow
Start/Pause Enter
Select Ctrl
amazon 3

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.



Bases Loaded 4

Instruction Booklet




Batter up! Jaleco hits another one out of the ballpark with Bases Loaded(r)
4(tm)... the ultimate experience for baseball fans who just want to get out
there and play ball. We've included all the best features to create the 
greatest baseball game ever - you get lineup changes, realistic player stats,
a centerfield perspective, easy-to-use controls, exhibition and regular sea-
son games, two-player mode, even a Super Series.

In Bases Loaded 4, you coach your team just like they do in the big leagues.
Study your players' stats, then assemble a lineup that'll stop the opposition
in their tracks! A simple black and white star system shows you how each 
player is doing at a glance. If a player's performance starts to lag, you can
send in a replacement from the bench or the bullpen. Study the opposing
teams' lineups, too, so you'll know what you're up against when you meet that
ace pitcher in the bottom of the ninth!

The umpire decides when your players make an outstanding play or really blow
it... and believe me, it affects how they play. You may not agree with the
decision, but you can't argue with the ump - ask any big league coach! Because
the computer keeps track of how your players are doing, you can throw yourself
into the game - and we know you will. Whether you're pitching, fielding, 
batting, or stealing a base, just concentrate on winning and keep your eye on
the ball... we'll take care of the rest!

Object of the game

Bases Loaded 4 brings home the excitement and challenge of big league baseball
with all the great features you'd expect... phenomenal graphics and sound,
realistic action, and options that put you in control of the game. We think
you'll agree, it's the next best thing to being there!

In Bases Loaded 4, you can play it your way. Choose a one- or two- player
exhibition game, or enter the regular season of 130 games and play against the
computer. The league includes 12 different teams - six in each division. Your
goal is to capture the pennant in your division by winning 70 games. Once you
do, you're on your way to the Super Series! Hey, there's even a "couch potato"
mode. If you just want to sit back and enjoy the action, select Watch and have
the computer play against itself.

Getting started couldn't be easier. Just choose a game type, pick your team,
then take a quick look at the roster. Players are rated with easy-to-understand
stats like batting average, homerun average, and ERA. You can change the 
starting order, or use the default lineup and get right into the action. Pre-
cise controls let you finetune your pitching motion, adjust your swing, or
position your fielders for an easy out. The center field perspective keeps you
focused on the action, and an overhead view of the diamond shows you where the
baserunners are at all times.

Wanna really know how your guys are doing? Just watch the start. Player stats
don't change, but the computer does keep track of their performance in each
game using black and white stars. Great plays (like a spectacular catch or a
homerun) get a white star. If you strike out or make a bad throw, your player
earns a black star. Why should you care? 'Cause it affects their batting and
pitching abilities, they's why.

Think you're ready for the big leagues? Then pick your team and start loosen-
ing up your throwing arm. Sure, it'll take a little practice, but in no time
at all you'll be hitting homeruns, catching line drives, and maybe even 
pitching no-hitters. Any way you look at it, Bases Loaded 4 is a great game 
for baseball fans of all ages... so get out there and play ball!


Getting started

1. Place the Bases Loaded 4 Game Pak (label side up) into your NES and turn on
   the unit. The title screen appears. If you don't make any selections on 
   this screen, a demo sequence appears after a short time. Press Start or the
   A Button to return to the title screen.

2. Your options on the title screen are Play or Options. Use the Control Pad
   to position the little character next to the option you want to select, 
   then press Start (or the A Button) to choose that option.

Note: Unless otherwise indicated, all options must be chosen with Controller


If you select Options from the title screen, you will see two options shown
below. Press Up or Down on the Control Pad to select an option (the selected
option will begin to flash). Press the A Button to change that option. Select
Exit or press Start to return to the title screen.

Turn the music on or off. The default is on. You will hear the sound effects
even when the music is turned off.

Abbreviation for Designated Hitter. Turn this option on or off. The default is
on. If you turn this option off, no designated hitter will appear in the
starting lineups. (The DH bats in place of the pitcher, but does not field.)

Type of Game

After choosing your options, return to the title screen and select Play to
continue. Next, you're asked to select either a Regular Season or Exhibition
game. Choose your option as before and press the A Button.

Regular Season
If you choose Regular Season, you must select either Start or Continue. Select
Start to begin a new season. Select Continue if you are in the middle of a
season. If you select Continue, you will be asked to enter the password you
were given at the end of the last game you played. A later section explains
how to enter your password.

The regular season consists of a maximum of 130 games. However, as soon as you
win 70 games, you will be awarded the pennant for your division and advance 
immediately to the Super Series. The season will also end if you lose 61 
games, since at that point you are statistically out of the running for the

If you select Exhibition, you are given three options: 1P  2P  WATCH

Choose 1P to select a One-Player game against the computer. You will choose
both teams. Choose 2P to play a Two-Player game against an opponent. Each 
player chooses his own team. Choose Watch to have the computer play both 
sides. Again, you choose the teams. There is one drawback to simply watching
a game - once the game starts, you have no control over the action and cannot
even call time (i.e. pause the game). You'll just have to wait until the game
is over... or restart your system!

You are given a password after every regular season game. Each password
consists of 10 letters or numbers. Be sure to write down your password exactly.
After turning off your system, you will need to enter your password before you
are allowed to continue the regular season.

Press Up or Down on the Control Pad until the desired letter or number 
appears. Press Right on the Control Pad to move to the next digit, and press
Left to move to the previous one. When you have finished entering your pass-
word, move the cursor to the rightmost digit and press the A Button.

If you have entered your password correctly, the next game in the regular
season will begin. If you enter an invalid password, you are given the option
of trying again or returning to the title screen.


Choosing Teams

The logos of all twelve teams appear on the Select Team screen. These teams

Eastern        Western
Division       Division

New York       Hawaii
Atlanta        Los Angeles
Boston         Seattle
Philadelphia   Kansas City
Chicago        Utah
Washington DC  Texas

The flashing cursors indicate who may select a team (1P, 2P, COM1, or COM2).
Use the Control Pad to highlight a team. The names of the selected teams 
appear under the player boxes at the top of the screen - Player 1 (or COM1)
appears on the left. Player 2 (or COM2) appears on the right. Press the A 
Button to make your selection.

Exhibition Games: In a One-Player exhibition game or in a Watch game, Player
One chooses both teams. In a Two-Player exhibition game, each player chooses
their own team. In exhibition games, you team may play any other team in the

Regular Season Games: In a regular season game, you choose your team and the
computer chooses your opponent. During the regular season, you will play only
other teams in your own division (Eastern or Western).


The Lineup

After both teams have been selected, the Batting Order screen appears for the
team that will bat first. In an exhibition game, this is the first team 
selected. In a regular season game, the computer decided who will bat first.
Players available on the bench appear on the right side of the screen. Avail-
able pitchers appear in the lower right corner of the screen. The starting
lineup appears on the left side of the screen.

The statistics given for each player on the Batting Order screen will not
change - use these numbers to get a general idea of a player's strength and to
compare one player with another. You may change any of the players in your
starting lineup before a game begins. During the game, you may only substitute
a new pitcher or a pinch hitter. Look at your roster carefully... you may find
some strong players sitting it out on the bench or in the bullpen. See below
for instructions on changing your lineup.

The letter next to each position player indicates how that player bats: left-
handed (L), right-handed (R), or switch (S). This is followed by their batting
average and the number of homeruns they hit in the last season.

The letter next to each pitcher indicates how that pitcher throws (and bats):
left-handed (L) or right-handed (R). This is followed by their Earned Run
Average (ERA) and their speed rating (SP). Speed ratings vary from about 40 to
60. Players with higher numbers tend to throw faster pitches.

The starting lineup is listed in batting order, from top to bottom. The number
in front of each player's name indicates that player's position:

1 Pitcher
2 Catcher
3 First Base
4 Second Base
5 Third Base
6 Shortstop
7 Left Field
8 Center Field
9 Right Field

If you are using a Designated Hitter, the letters DH will appear in front of
this player's name. (You may turn this option off on the Options screen.) The
pitcher is normally listed at the bottom of the batting order, in parantheses.
The letter next to each player indicates how they bar (or pitch). To view the
batting or pitching statistics for the players in the starting lineup, press
Up or Down on the Control Pad. The selection arrow will move up and down the
list of all players. The statistics for the selected player appear in the 
lower left corner of the screen.

Changing Your Lineup
Before a game, you can swap any of the players in your starting lineup with
one of the players on the bench or in the bullpen. You also may change the
batting order of the players in the starting lineup. During a game, you may
only substitute a new pitcher or pinch hitter.

Press Up or Down on the Control Pad to move the selection arrow next to the
player you wish to swap and press the A Button. A second ar row now appears.
Press Up or Down on the Control Pad to move this arrpw next to the replacement
player and press the A Button to swap the two players. Naturally, only 
position players may replace position players, and only pitchers may replace
pitchers. Press the B Button to remove the second arrow without making a swap.

When you have finished making all your changes, position the selection arrow
next to the word Ready and press the A Button. The Batting Order screen for
the opposing team now appears. In a One-Player game (exhibition or regular
season), Player 1 may view, but not change, the opposing team's lineup. In a
Watch game, Player 1 may change the lineup for both teams. In a Two-Player
game, each player makes their own changes (Player 2 uses Controller 2).


The Scoreboard

As you might expect, the scoreboard shows each team's score by inning, along
with the total number of runs (R), hits (H), and errors (E) for each team. The
positioning of the teams on the scoreboard indicates who bats first. The 
visiting team appears first on the scoreboard, since they always bat at the
top of the inning. the home team appears second, and will bat in the bottom of
the inning. Ten innings are displayed on the scoreboard at one time. If the 
game goes into extra innings, the scoreboard will scroll left. After 18 
innings, a tie game is called. 

Your current standing is displayed at the end of each regular season game. In
addition to giving you the password for the next game, the score screen shows
your total number of wins (W), losses (L), and ties (T).

Slaughter Rule
Bases Loaded 4 includes a "slaughter" rule. That is, when either team is ahead
by nine or more runs in the bottom of any inning, the game is called and the
team that is ahead gets the win. Hey, if things are going that bad, you'll
probably want out anyway!

Super Series
A regular season consists of 130 games (maximum). Once you win 70 games, the
season ends and you enter the Super Series. In the Super Series, your team
competes against the pennant winner from the other division. The first team
to win four games is the world champion.


Controller functions during a game


Swing Bat Level - A Button
Swing Bat High - Up + A Button
Swing Bat Low - Down + A Button
Bunt - B Button
Cancel a Bunt - A Button
Move Batter in Batter's Box - Left, Right, Up or Down on Control Pad


To select a base using the Control Pad:

Home Plate - Up
First Base - Left
Second Base - Down
Third Base - Right

Advance Baserunner or Steal a Base - Control Pad (to choose base) + B Button
Return to base - Control Pad (to choose base) + A Button
Stop Baserunners - A Button + B Button (press and hold both buttons at the
                   same time)


Use the Control Pad to select one of eight pitch locations. You may also 
increase the direction of a pitch during the windup, or make a breaking

These controls are explained below.

Pitch - Control Pad (choose direction) + A Button
Increase Pitch Direction - Tap the A Button one or more times during the 
windup (the more taps, the greater the increase in direction)

Breaking Pitch
Press the Control Pad in one of eight directions during the windup:

Slider | Fast Ball | Split-Fingered Fastball
Curve  | No Break  | Change Up
Slow   | Off Speed | Sinker
Curve  |           |       

Note: This diagram is for right-handed batters. Reverse the direction when you
are pitching to left-handed batters.

Attempt a pickoff - B Button (change to Fielding screen) followed by throw to
base - see below

Fielding and Throwing

Catch Ball - Use the Control Pad to move your fielders toward the ball - the
             first player to reach the ball picks it up automatically

Jump to Catch Ball - B Button
Dive to Catch Ball - Left or Right + B Button
Throw Ball - Control Pad (to choose base) + A Button
Run to Base - Control Pad (to choose base) + B Button

Making Substitutions

Call Time - Start
Display Roster - A Button when time is called


On-screen displays

Game stats are displayed on the screen at all times, as well as information 
about the current batter and pitcher. When a ball is hit, a "radar" indicator
shows you the location of the ball and your fielders.

Batter Stats

Batter statistics are shown on the left side of the screen. These include the
batter's position on the batting order, his name, batting average, and number
of homeruns in the last season.

Pitcher Stats

Pitcher statistics are shown on the right side of the screen. These include
the pitcher's name and Earned Run Average (ERA). If the batter does not hit a
pitch, BALL or STRIKE and the speed of the throw appear in the center of the
screen. If a pitch hits the batter, the word BEANBALL appears and the batter
advances to first base. The batter also advances to first in a Base on Balls
situation (the pitcher throw 4 BALLS).


Black or white stars appear above the batter and pitcher's name to indicate
how that player is performing. Each time a player makes a fine play he is 
awarded a white star. If a player has one or more white stars and makes a bad
play, he will lose one of those stars. If he makes a bad play and does not 
have any white stars, he gets a black star. A player may collect up to eight
stars of one color. These stars affect a batter's hitting ability, or a 
pitcher's speed and effectiveness. Stars only affect performance in the 
current game and do not carry over to the next game.

Pitchers tire quickly, and will lose one white star after each inning due to
fatigue. After a pitcher has played five consecutive innings, he will begin to
lose two white stars after each inning. Take the hint and send in a replace-
ment! A pitcher may lose all of his white stars in this manner, but he will
not be given any black stars because of fatigue.

  White star - Making a spectacular play (like a homerun)
  Black star - Striking out

  White star - Striking out a hitter
  Black star - Allowing a run

  White star - Making a good catch or throw
  Black star - Missing a catch or making a bad throw

  White star - Preventing a stolen base
  Black star - Making an error (like missing a catch)

Game Stats

Game stats are displayed on either the left or the right side of the screen,
depending on whether the current pitcher is left-handed or right-handed.

The diamond shows the position of the baserunners. Home plate is at the top,
first base on the left, second base at the bottom, and third base on the 

The number of the current inning (as well as TOP or BOTTOM) appears below the

The current score is displayed directly below the inning number. Each team's
score appears next to the first letter of the team name. The underlined letter
indicates which team is at bat.

The number of balls and strikes for the current batter, as well as the number
of outs for his team in this inning appear below the score. The number of 
baseballs next to each letter (B for balls, S for strikes, and O for outs)
indicates the current amount.


When a ball is hit, the screen switches automatically to the Fielding screen.
A radar indicator appears in the upper right corner of this screen. A diamond
shows the position and movement of the baserunners. Again, home plate is at
the top of the diamond. The ball appears as a flahing white dot. Your players
appear as white "O's".

The radar will show the position of the three outfielders, as well as the two
infield players who are closest to the action. Use this radar indicator to
quickly move your players toward the ball. When a player touches the ball, he
will pick it up automatically.


More about player controls

Complete player controls are provided in the section of this manual entitled
Controller Functions. The following information provides more insight on the
finer points of playing the game.

Batting is pretty simple... just press the A Button as the pitch nears the
plate. You can move your player in the batter's box using the Control Pad, and
adjust your bat either high or low by pressing Up or Down on the Control Pad
as you swing. It may take a little practice before you're batting like a pro,
but don't get discouraged... we all went through it! Timing is everything, so
be sure to allow enough time for the bat to come around after the swing. To
try a different tactic, press the B Button to perform a bunt. Press the A
Button to return to a normal stance.

Note: If your batter is a switch hitter, he automatically will bat left to a
right-handed pitcher and bat right to a left-handed pitcher - this gives him
the advantage over the pitcher every time.

When a ball is hit, the batter automatically runs to first base. Howeveer, 
once he reaches first, he'll stay put unless you direct him to continue. To
advance a runner to the next base, press the B Button. If you have more than
one baserunner, you'll need to advance each one separately. Start the lead
runner, then start any trailing runners. The same controls apply to stealing

Like the batter, baserunners also advance to the next base automatically when
the ball is hit. This is good in some circumstances (like a long drive down 
the left field line), but bad in others. If the batter hits a routine fly ball
which gets caught, you'll have to get your baserunners back to their original
bases pretty quickly to avoid getting picked off. This is especially true when
the ball is caught in the infield (sorry... no infield fly rule!). You also 
can tag up on a fly ball by getting your runner back to the base, then advanc-
ing him after the ball is caught - if you think he can make it!

To send a runner back to a base, press and hold the direction on the Control
Pad that indicates which base you want to send him to (remember, Up is home
plate, Left is first base, etc.), then press the A Button.

To pitch, all you need to do is press the A Button. Of course, if you do that
you'll be the batter's best friend! To make things a little harder, you'll 
have to throw a few curve balls and sliders. Complete instructions for these
maneuvers are provided in the Controller Functions of this manual. Basically,
you just press the Control Pad along with the A Button to indicate where you'd
like the ball to go, then press the Control Pad again during the windup to
select a breaking ball.

For instance, to throw a high fast ball, press Up and the A Button, then press
Up again during the windup to select a Fast Ball. To throw a really high fast
ball, press the A Button more than once during the windup. The computer always
determines the speed of the throw, which will be displayed on the screen if
the batter misses the pitch. Oh, yeah, and be sure to pay attention to whether
the batter is right-handed or left-handed... you'll need to adjust your
pitching controls accordingly.

If you see that one of the baserunners is trying to steal a base, you can
attempt a pick-off. First, press the B Button to switch to the Fielding 
screen. Next, use the Control Pad to select the base to throw to, then press
the A Button to throw the ball. You'll have to do all this pretty quickly if
you want to pick off the runner!

This may be the easiest move yet... just get one of your players next to the
ball and he'll pick it up automatically. Once the ball is hit, a radar
indicator appears in the upper right corner of the screen. Watch the radar
indicator to see where the ball is going, then use the Control Pad to move
your players into position. To catch a fly ball, press the B Button to jump up
in the air. Press Left or Right and the B Button to dive left or right.

Once you've got the ball, get rid of it fase. We can't emphasize this strongly
enough, OK? The longer it takes your player to throw, the worse your throw 
will be. Trust us on this one... when you've got the momentum, you've gotta
keep it going. To throw the ball, press the direction on the Control Pad that
corresponds to the base you want to throw to, then press the A Button. If you
need to you can look at the radar indicator in the upper right corner of the
screen to see where the baserunners are located.

You may occaisonally need to send one of your infielders to a particular base-
for instance, during a rundown. To do this, first press the direction of the
Control Pad that indicates which base you want your player to run to (Up for
home plate, etc.), then press the B Button.

Making Substitutions
After calling time (by pressing Start on Controller 1), you can bring up the
team rosters and select a relief pitcher (if your team is pitching) or a pinch
hitter (if your team is batting). Note that in a Two-Player game, Player 1 has
to ask Player 1 to call time for him - so Player 1, be a sport! Changes are
made just as they are before a game - see the section of this manual entitled
Changing Your Lineup for detailed instructions. After selecting a new player,
press the A Button to return to the game.

One important fact to remember about replacing your pitcher: Once you pull a
pitcher out, he's gone for the duration of the game. In fact, his name even
disappears (temporarily) from the roster. Don't worry, though... he'll be
well-rested and ready to play in the next game!


Team rosters

Bases Loaded 4 includes 12 teams - six Eastern Division teams and six Western
Division teams. Each team's roster is shown below. These same rosters are
displayed on the screen before each game, and also can be displayed during a
game if time is called. The statistics given for each player should be used
only as a general guide - much of a team's performance will depend on your
skill as a player. Note that the player stats shown on the screen will not
change during a season, as Bases Loaded 4 does not keep track of statistics
generated during game play.


Eastern Division Teams


New York

Name      Avg.    HR
Henrie S .259      3
Favell R .288      9
Gage   L .287     22
Kilbor R .303     25
Tambor L .327     14
Beck   R .300     25
Glazer L .289      6
Payne  R .273     13
Theoly R .300     20

Bonds  R 2.50     40

Tosca  R .254      7
Wooley R .250      1
Russ   L .284      9
Dias   R .209      2
Smerko R .290     10
Janson L .200      1
O'Hara R .249      4
Burns  R .271      3

Bullpen           SP
Lewis  R 3.96     50
Perry  R 2.16     48
West   L 3.68     46
Shard  L 3.68     44
Henter R 1.96     45
Joel   R 2.70     55
Jarvis R 2.90     40



Starting Lineup
Alfons S .301      3
Cunnif L .259      1
Ireton S .287     16
Pivnic L .310     13
Fried  R .239     15
Buchan L .283     17
Nye    L .300     20
Kaufma R .265      3
Caputo S .294      7

Fine   R 3.52     49

Utter  R .200      5
Tobino R .286      1
York   L .284      0
Sachs  L .273      0
Roscoe R .300      2
Flynn  R .313     25
Cortez L .268     11
Umars  L .250      0

Gross  R 3.14     48
Bird   L 3.96     47
Guido  R 4.38     40
Pacos  R 2.58     43
Page   R 2.70     48
Greene L 3.16     46
Rosa   R 4.92     43



Starting Lineup
Rutkos L .303     11
Murphy R .280      4
Newkir L .300     25
Striet R .290     34
Carson L .274     22
Juby   R .280      2
Vogler R .289     27
Gregor R .299      0
Price  L .246      2

Greco  L 3.86     48

Damrow R .279     13
Mathew L .271      2
Gillis R .298      4
Cooper R .200      0
Groppo R .200      0
White  L .277      7
Lowrey R .286      6
Slater R .249     12

Westin L 3.50     50
Vinson R 3.00     50
Scott  R 3.30     45
Bondi  R 3.26     56
Acker  R 3.00     46
Bailey R 2.24     48
Kozar  R 4.10     45



Starting Lineup
Sulvan L .323     10
Gelman R .250      0
Vasta  S .310     25
Donahu R .326     17
Becker R .309      1
Kitzie R .264      4
Wasser S .310      0
Muller R .283      2
Abner  R .310      2

Hodges L 3.50     48

Vinson R .250      3
Walker R .200      3
Tucker S .226      2
Fink   R .279      0
Elias  R .200      2
Flood  L .259      4
Panka  L .276      1
Mussio L .286      1

Shyder R 3.92     50
Carter R 4.06     40
Philip R 2.66     45
King   R 5.60     46
Darcy  R 2.16     48
Cory   L 3.70     45



Starting Lineup
Novits R .279      6
Rothma S .250      6
Able   L .282      8
Philip R .317     25
ORiley R .303     31
Erving L .292     11
Mulvey R .250      3
Morrow R .300      5
Adair  S .310     20

Fox    R 4.04     50

Sykes  L .250      1
Verona R .200      0
Singer R .301      6
Nyer   L .244      8
Filson S .237      4
Manter R .227      0
Reaves R .200      7
Easton L .200      5

Lawson R 4.06     45
Gantos R 3.16     42
Morris R 2.08     45
Car    L 4.04     44
Marx   R 3.00     48
Stone  R 4.08     50
Rush   R 4.98     45


Washington DC

Starting Lineup
Niler  R .304     17
Amadio R .304      8
Hart   R .265     20
Silbur L .300     25
Foster L .300     20
Steven R .250     28
Shea   L .280     11
Anders R .245      5
Leff   L .261      3

David  R 4.90     46

Sanner R .206      1
Woods  R .200      1
Sherm  R .282      1
Hesher R .221      4
Draber R .300      0
Glass  R .207      9
Ennis  L .263      0
Radson R .270      2

Allan  L 3.26     47
Knapp  L 3.00     44
Sether R 4.00     45
Knight R 4.60     46
Morgan L 4.06     48
Fenner R 4.06     43
Finn   R 4.68     46


Western Division Teams



Starting Lineup
Fenz   R .266      3
Pardi  S .267      2
Wolfor R .256     35
Woods  R .307     37
Mogica S .263     42
Miller R .298      8
Bahr   L .260      1
Topjia R .281     11
Pokors R .239      6

Cook   R 2.96     50

Kelly  R .200      0
Farber R .200      2
Fletch R .271      0
Carol  L .259     10
Moller R .250      0
Yury   S .239      0
Wells  L .282      2
Grant  R .250     15

Bettis R 3.54     48
Hinner L 3.36     47
Craine R 3.38     52
Vick   R 3.38     47
Malton R 1.84     44
Waxman R 3.00     42
Tamino R 2.82     46


Los Angeles

Starting Lineup
Lynn   R .211      1
Leigh  R .260      5
Patton S .284     21
Baker  R .273     37
Simon  R .307     20
Quorb  L .285     37
Bonner R .250     20
Elkin  R .283     12
Schick R .289      3

Ryan   L 4.02     40

Ramis  R .248      6
Conway R .200      0
Dagget R .231      3
Harrek R .238      1
Baum   L .302      0
Felder L .246      6
Haber  R .326      3
Donnis L .331      2

Mills  R 3.74     45
Black  R 4.10     46
Sako   R 4.00     45
Willis R 4.70     45
Patson L 2.94     48
Carter R 4.80     45
Baer   L 4.12     46



Starting Lineup
Berman S .283      0
Jones  L .281      0
Gentz  R .267     11
Baca   L .278     35
Shab   R .300     20
Davids L .290      4
Sanzo  L .244      2
Strick R .244      4
Wright R .287     18

Hunt   R 3.88     50

Newton R .200      0
Small  R .239      1
Dunn   R .236      1
Justin R .235      1
Brent  R .250      0
Gilson R .253     11
Eckers S .250      0
Halper R .262      6

Bardo  R 3.46     46
Myers  L 3.46     46
Jenson R 3.10     43
Rosen  R 2.98     45
Manley L 3.26     46
Tucker L 3.62     40
Walsh  R 4.70     48


Kansas City

Starting Lineup
Winton R .314     20
Camber L .292      6
Young  L .300     20
Lyons  L .303     24
Beale  R .300     22
Ott    R .274     17
Carlin R .270     22
Harms  R .301     12
Dulsey R .217      8

Anders R 2.90     52

Kraft  R .250      4
Gerard R .250      2
Spears R .231      0
Ephrom L .243      2
Reiner R .250      1
Vandor R .327     10
Brady  L .285      3
Cribbs L .304      3

Tate   L 4.62     50
Hunt   L 4.10     46
Watts  R 4.00     44
Gibbs  R 3.38     48
Miles  R 3.94     45
Maters R 4.36     46
Rennor R 4.06     45



Starting Lineup
Malvoe S .338      3
Laino  L .240      3
McFee  L .243     21
Marcus R .311     33
Fallon R .270      6
Grogan R .254      0
Forge  R .265     18
Munoz  R .250      2
Potter R .271      9

Kramar R 3.26     46

Balzak R .250      6
Banks  L .292      6
Emilio L .250      3
Carlos R .270      2
Webb   R .221      2
Oliver L .200      3
Madden R .326      0
Baron  L .320      1

Perez  R 4.22     45
Unsel  L 3.98     44
Walls  R 3.78     56
Major  L 4.44     45
Tunney R 4.82     48
Robert R 3.32     45
Newton L 4.62     43



Starting Lineup
Croix  L .274     14
Zwick  S .247      4
Moran  R .258     20
Anson  L .280     31
Mertz  L .300     30
Callif R .221     12
Lemon  L .317      7
Shakly R .265      5
Belamy R .251      3

Larker R 4.92     46

Strick R .250      2
Faust  L .200      1
Payton L .250      3
Samson R .222      1
Harlan R .244      5
Plumb  R .200      2
Marsh  L .304      6
Garret L .313      8

Staver R 3.94     43
Tillis L 4.98     42
Belton R 3.30     46
Kling  R 4.00     44
Corbin R 4.56     45
Murray R 4.70     47
Lundt  R 4.48     40


Contributing staff

Jaleco Ltd (Tokyo, Japan)
  Y. Kanazawa, President

Product Management
  T. Kaneko, H. Nunokawa.
  S. Ohta, and all at Jalelo Ltd.

Jaleco USA (Wheeling, IL)
  Howard Rubin, President

Product Management
  Jeff Hill, Scott Lawrence

International Coordination
  Masao Ohata, Oliver Tang

Package Design & Layout
  MarketForce Ine. - Tim Hill (Account Executive), Tim Kocher (Designer)

Package Copy Writer
  Tim Kocher

Instruction Manual Writer
  Kate Hunt

Instruction Manual Design & Layout
  Jack Nichols (Jack Nichols Design)

Game Testers (USA)
  Baki Allen, Mike Lee, Butch O'Malley, Joe Sislow

If you can't find that, drop it.

These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.

image 3
Basesloaded4 Arcade Game Emulated on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Play Basesloaded4 in your web browser or mobile phone. This NES emulator provides very accurate Basesloaded4 gameplay. Basesloaded4 is a classic 1980s NES video game.