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Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.
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Keyboard Controls | |
Gamepad Button | Player 1 |
Left | Left Arrow |
Right | Right Arrow |
Up | Up Arrow |
Down | Down Arrow |
A | X |
B | Z |
Start/Pause | Enter |
Select | Ctrl |

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.
California Games Instruction manual ------------------------------------------ Introduction Welcome to California, home of the most awesome sports going! You're invited to tour the Golden State as you tackle six challenging events. First stop is Hollywood, for radical skateboard action on the Half Pipe. Then it's up to San Francisco for some fancy footwork in the Foot Bag contest. After that, chill out on the beach with Surfing and Rollerskating competitions. Still got some energy? Hit the desert to pump your pedals in BMX Bike Racing. Then wind up a whirl-wind tour at Yosemite for a fling with the Flying Disk. That's six massive events. You're gonna have your hands full. Not to mention your feet! Practice your moves. In no time flat, you'll be aggro enough to attack the competition! Be the Best in the West, and you'll capture the first place trophy! ----------------------------------------- Using the Controller To move-Press the control pad in the directions shown at right. To make a selection-Press BUTTON A. To go to the next event-Press BUTTON A. To return to the options screen after practice or competition-Press BUTTON A. To pause-Press the START BUTTON. To restart after pausing-Press the START BUTTON again. ------------------------------------- The Options When the CALIFORNIA GAMES title screen appears, press the START BUTTON to get the options screen. Then select one of the four options shown below. 1) COMPETE IN ALL EVENTS 2) COMPETE IN SOME EVENTS 3) PRACTICE ONE EVENT 4) VIEW HIGH SCORES To select an option, press the control pad UP or DOWN to move the pointer on the screen. Once the pointer is next to the option you want, press BUTTON A. ------------------------------------- Option 1: Compete in all events Select this option to compete in all six events. Trophies are awarded after each event, and a championship trophy is awarded after the sixth event. Each player (up to 8 can play) signs on as follows: 1. Enter you name. On the name screen, press the control pad RIGHT, LEFT, UP or DOWN to select the letters in your name. Press BUTTON A for each letter selection (up to six letters). To erase a letter selection, select the word RUB and press BUTTON A. Press END after entering you name, to get the team selection screen. 2. Choose your tea,. On the team screen, press the control pad RIGHT, LEFT, UP, or DOWN to outline the team you want. Then press BUTTON A to make your selection, so the next player can sign on. After all players have signed on, move directly to END on the next name screen, and press BUTTON A. Now you'll begin the first event. ------------------------------------ Option 2: Compete in some events Select this option to compete in the event(s) of your choice. Enter names and choose teams as described in Option 1. On the event screen, move the pointer to each event you want to compete in, and press BUTTON A to select it. When you're done selecting, move the pointer to DONE and press BUTTON A. ------------------------------------ Option 3: Practice one event Select this option to practice an event rather that compete. Choose your event as in Option 2. You won't be asked to enter your name or choose a team. Also, no scores are saved. After practicing an event, you'll be asked if you want to practice again. Press the control pad UP or DOWN to select YES or NO. Then press BUTTON A. ------------------------------------ Option 4: View high scores Select this option to see the highest event scores recorded during the current play session. Press BUTTON A to view high scores; then press BUTTON A again to return to the options screen. ------------------------------------ The Games ------------------------------------ HALF PIPE SKATEBOARDING Grab your skateboard and kneepads-it's time to hit the half pipe! Combine strength with agility for a really radical romp on the ramp! Object: Ride the board back and forth on the ramp, and perform stunts using skill and timing. You have a 1-minute, 15-second time period, or three falls, to score as many points as possible. To start the event, press BUTTON A. To gain speed, press the control pad UP as the skater goes up the ramp, then DOWN as the skater goes down. To perform a stunt, use the controls as shown in the diagram on the next page [below]. Timing is critical! You'll fall if you don't start or complete a stunt within the time allowed. IMPORTANT: Face left to perform a stunt on the left side of the ramp; face right to perform a stunt on the right side of the ramp. Kick Turns: Press and hold the control pad LEFT or RIGHT, depending on which side of the ramp you're on. The skater will turn around to face the opposite direction. Release the pad to complete the turn. Aerial Turns: Perform these turns in the same way as kick turns-except you must "catch air" to perform a successful aerial turn. That is, you must wait until you're off the lip before pressing the control pad. Hand Plants: Press and hold BUTTON A as you approach the lip of the ramp. The skater will plant his hands on the lip and flip the board over his head. Release BUTTON A just after the board arcs over and returns to the ramp. Scoring: Earn maximum points by taking risks. Wait until the last second to start each stunt-and complete it just before you would have wiped out. Some stunts are more difficult and earn higher scores than others. Scoring is as follows: Kick Turn: 100-300 points Hand Plant: 400-700 points Aerial Turn: 400-999 points Strategy: It's important to build up enough speed for each stunt. To gain speed quickly, do a "fakie" by pressing and holding the control pad UP or DOWN the full length of the ramp. Don't go too fast, or you'll wipe out! PRESS PAD { } PRESS PAD RIGHT TO START { } LEFT TO START AERIAL TURN { } AERIAL TURN <--------LIP--------> PRESS BUTTON A { | | } PRESS BUTTON A TO START { | | } TO START HAND PLANT { | | } HAND PLANT \ / PRESS PAD { \ / } PRESS PAD RIGHT TO START { \ / } LEFT TO START KICK TURN { ---------------- } KICK TURN ------------------------------- FOOT BAG Kick back with some fast footwork in the Foot Bag event! It's a lot like juggling with your feet. Can you keep the bag bouncing while you perform variety of stunts? Object: Bounce the foot bag off your head, knees and feet. Do as many kicks and stunts as you can within the 1-minute, 15-second time period. To start the event, press BUTTON A for the kick-off. To kick the bag, press BUTTON A as the bag falls toward the ground-just before it reaches your head, knee, or foot. To perform a head butt, press BUTTON A just before the bag drops below the level of your head. To perform a stunt, change position while the bag is in the air. For example, do a half axle by pressing the control pad DOWN to turn around before your next trick. Scoring: You earn points for each successful kick and stunt. More difficult stunts earn higher scores. You lose time if you drop the bag or kick it off the screen. Stunts are explained on the next page. Any Kick: (10 points) Half Axle: (250 points) And two kicks with a half spin in between. Full Axle: (500 points) Any two kicks with a full spin in between. Axle Foley: (750 points) Any two kicks with one-and-a-half spins in between. Horseshoe: (500 points) Left back kick + right back kick. Jester (2000 points) Left jumping kick or right jumping kick. Double Arch: (2500 points) Left outside kick + right outside kick +left outside kick Doda: (5000 points) Left outside kick + head butt + right outside kick. Dizzy Dean: (1500 points) Front head butt + back head butt. Head Banger: (1500 points) Back head butt + front head butt. Catch from off screen: (1500 points) Strategy: The more complicated stunts and kicks you can complete before time runs out, the higher your score will be. Special bonus points are awarded for variety, so do as many different stunts as you can. ------------------------------------- SURFING Surf's up! Are you up to pitting your board against a totally massive wave? You'll shoot the curl, shred the tube-or eat a little sand, if the going gets gnarly! Object: Ride the wave as long as you can, "using" it to your best advantage. You have a 1-minute, 30-second time limit, or 4 wipeouts, to score points. To start the event, press BUTTON A. Press the control pad LEFT immediately, to avoid wiping out as your ride begins. To steer left, press the control pad LEFT. To steer right, press the control pad RIGHT. To make sharper turns, press and hold down BUTTON A as you turn. Note that sharp turns slow you down. To end your ride cleanly, go over the top of the wave just before time runs out. Catching air: If you clear the crest of the wave you can "catch air," then catch the wave again. Try a 360 turn while you're up there! Wiping out: Don't ride too close to the bottom of the wave or too far inside the curl, or you'll "wipe out." You'll also wipe out if you land at the wrong angle after "catching air." It takes practice to avoid wipeouts! Scoring: Points are awarded for the length of your ride, the number of turns you make and your speed during turns. You'll score high for catching air. Riding the tube (underneath the curl) and riding near the break earn extra points, too. Strategy: The better you "use" the wave, the more the judges will rave! A safe, straight ride far ahead of the break counts for very little. Take risks, avoid wipeouts, and your score will be awesome! -------------------------------- ROLLERSKATING Strap on your skates for some radical rollerskating on the boardwalk! The trick is to skate while avoiding sand, cracks, banana peels-even runaway beach balls! Object: Skate the length of the boardwalk while avoiding obstacles. Score extra points for jumping and spinning over obstacles. The event ends after your third fall. To start the event, press BUTTON A. To begin skating, repeatedly press BUTTON A in the rhythm to the skater's legs. Keep pressing BUTTON A to gain speed. To squat, press and hold down BUTTON B. Do this to begin a jump-or to avoid bouncing beach balls in you path. To jump, release BUTTON B. To steer and to spin while jumping, press the control pad as shown below. UP - STEER LEFT LEFT - SPIN RIGHT - NOTHING DOWN - STEER RIGHT Scoring: Score points for each obstacle you avoid. Earn double points for jumping over them. Earn the most points for spinning while you jump! Points are awarded as follows: Avoiding obstacles: 10-30 points Jumping over obstacles: 20-60 points Spinning jumps over obstacles: 40-120 points Strategy: Speed is less important than staying on your feet. Tackle the course slowly at first. Then build up speed and master stunts with plenty of practice! ----------------------------- BMX BIKE RACING BMX stands for Bicycle Motocross. It also stands for aggro action and hair-raising stunts! It takes guts, endurance and a super sense of timing to complete this course. Don't forget your crash helmet! Object: Finish the course within the 2-minute time period, while avoiding obstacles and performing stunts. Three "easy"falls or 1 "serious" fall will end the event. To start the event, press BUTTON A. To maneuver your bike on the ground, do the following: Press the control pad UP to steer left. Press the control pad DOWN to steer right. Press BUTTON A repeatedly to increase your speed. Press the control pad LEFT to perform a wheelie. You won't earn any points by steering around obstacles. You will earn points by jumping over them-especially if you do a stunt while you're in the air! To jump, press BUTTON B. To perform a stunt while you're in the air, press the control pad as shown below. UP - TABLE TOP LEFT - BACKWARD FLIP RIGHT - FORWARD FLIP DOWN - 360 TURN Timing is critical to perform jumps and stunts! If you're not back in a "centered" position by the time you land or complete you stunt, you will crash! Ending the race: You're allowed three "easy" falls or one "serious" fall before you're out of the race. If you flip and fall on your head, it's a serious fall! At the end of the course, press BUTTON A to stop. You'll earn bonus points for stopping on the finishing pad. Scoring: The faster you go, the higher your score will be. If you finish the course, you'll earn 60 bonus points for each second remaining on the clock. You also earn points for each stunt, plus bonus points for holding each stunt as long as possible. Points are awarded as follows: Wheelie: 100-200 points Jump: 200-400 points Table Top: 500-1000 points 360 Turn: 1000-2000 points Backward Flip: 1500-3000 points Forward Flip: 3000-6000 points Strategy: Finish the course as fast as possible to score high. The highest scores will go to riders who perform the most daring stunts. Complete a 6000-point forward flip, and you've probably got a lock on the first place trophy! ---------------------------- FLYING DISK You can hardly visit a California park or beach without seeing dozens of flying disks whirling through the air. It's the perfect challenge to wind up the California Games competition! Object: You control both the thrower and the catcher. The object is to throw the disk accurately, then catch it! You're allowed 3 throwing and catching attempts. To start the event, press BUTTON A Throwing the disk: First, try to throw the disk far enough to reach the catcher at the other end of the field. Use the colored Speed/Angle bar at the bottom of the screen to execute your throw. The green sections will provide the most powerful (but not necessarily the most accurate) throw. Here's how to throw, using the green sections as an example: -Press the control pad LEFT to start swinging your arm back. -When the needle reaches the green section of the speed bar, press the control pad RIGHT to swing your arm forward. -When the needle reaches the green section of the Angle bar, quickly press the control pad LEFT, to release the disk. Catching the disk: The display at the top of the screen shows the disk flying toward the catcher. Watch this display to guide your catch. Here's how to catch: -As the disk flies across the field, press the control pad LEFT or RIGHT to run toward the place where you think the disk will land. -As the catcher, you must touch the disk with you hand while running, diving, or raising your hand over your head. -To dive after the disk, press BUTTON A. To attempt an overhead catch, press and hold the control pad UP to raise your hand. Scoring: Points are awarded for both the throw and the catch. Throwing points are awarded for height and accuracy. The fewer steps the catcher takes to catch the disk, the higher your score. Catching points are awarded as follows: While running right - 150 points While running left - 250 points While diving right - 250 points While diving left - 350 points Overhead catch - 350 points Strategy: To earn the most points, throw the disk close to where the catcher is standing. Then make a diving or overhead catch! -------------------------------------- Awards and Records -------------------------------------- AWARDS CEREMONY After every event, trophies are awarded to the top finishers in the order that they placed. Each trophy is worth the following number of points toward the CHAMPIONSHIP CEREMONY: Each 1st place trophy - 5 points Each 2nd place trophy - 3 points Each 3rd place trophy - 1 point ---------------------------------------- CHAMPIONSHIP CEREMONY After competition is over, each player's trophy points are totaled. The player with the most trophy points is awarded a final championship trophy for the best overall score. ---------------------------------------- HIGH SCORES Names and scores of record-breaking players are displayed on the High Scores screen. Whenever a new record is set, the new record replaces the old record. High Scores are erased at the end of each play session. ---------------------------------------- CALIFORNIA SPOKEN HERE AGGRO (a-gre) adj. if you're a dare-devilly dude you'll go "way aggro" executing aggressive moves on the ramps and waves of California. AWESOME (ah-sum) adj. Awe-inspiring, i.e. "That's some awesome dude!" DUDE (dyud) noun. buddy. Can be used to express disbelief, as in "DUDE!", or surprise, as in "DUDE!", or as a friendly greeting, as in "Hey DUDE!" Say while laughing for an attention getting effect, i.e. Duhuhuhuhude! GNARLY (narly) adj. mind and body bendingly difficult. Waves, ramps and aggro moves can be gnarly. So can tests, prom dates, curfews, etc. LIKE (lik) prep. insert anywhere you like, like, in any sentence, in, like, any context. Used most effectively to use "like"is with "all" (for more description). "It's, like-I'm all - Duuude you've got sand in your jams." RADICAL (raa-di-cul) adj. 1)outrageous: "Radical moves, dude!" 2)cool: "it's be radical of you could cruise the ramp around 5 o'clock." TOTALLY (toh-tulk-ly) adv. completely, entirely: something or someone is totally awesome, radical, or aggro. In California everything is totally something. (Companion word: see Tubular) TUULAR (tyu-byu-ler) adj. an adjective that came from the sea and has evolved into an every-day term. Parties, concerts, etc. can be totally tubular. Its use is endangered by the word "awesome." (Companion word: see Totally) ------------------------------------ CREDITS "LOUIE, LOUIE" - Copyright by LIMAX MUSIC./AMERICAN BERRY MUSIC.
These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
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