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Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.
Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

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NES games in a JAVA Emulator.
Keyboard Controls | |
Gamepad Button | Player 1 |
Left | Left Arrow |
Right | Right Arrow |
Up | Up Arrow |
Down | Down Arrow |
A | X |
B | Z |
Start/Pause | Enter |
Select | Ctrl |

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.
--------------------------------------------------------------------- DEJA VU - NES Manual by KEMCO/SEIKA --------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 1 and PAGE 2 You emerge from a groggy stupor and find your right palm covered with dried blood. Hmmm... no wounds... must be someone else's blood. The pain in your left forearm grabs your attention and you notice a tiny puncture. Is this from some type of injection? Your heart skips a beat as you realize that you can't remember who you are! --------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 3 NAME OF CONTROLLER PARTS AND OPERATING INSTRUCTIONS: Only controller 1 is used for this game. CONTROL PAD: Used to move pointer on screen. SELECT BUTTON: Not used. START BUTTON: Used to start the game. A BUTTON: Used to make a selection with the pointer. Also used to read the next part of a message. B BUTTON: Used to deselect commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 4 HOW TO PLAY: STARTING THE GAME: When the Deja Vu title screen appears, press START to begin the game. CHOOSING THE FILE: After pressing START to begin the game, you will see a list of three possible FILES. The three files let you save the status of three different games. Use the control pad to move the bullet to the file you would like to use. When you first begin your quest, each of these files will be marked NEW indicating that each is a new game. As you advance through the game, you may save your current position so that you can resume your game at a later time. THE OBJECTIVE: You have awakened to realize that you can't remember who you are. Were you injected with something? If you have any hope of surviving, you've got to figure out who you are and what is going on. If that blood on your hand isn't yours, whose is it? Fortunately, if you are killed in your quest, you'll have the option of resuming your game where you left off. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 5 PLAYING THE GAME: Deja Vu is a graphic adventure game which you control using the various windows on screen. When you first begin the game, you will be given some important information in the Text window at the bottom of the screen. Press the A button to view the next part of the message. You can also press the A button while the message is being written to more quickly display the text. After viewing the last part of the message, you will see the main game screen which is divided into three parts or "windows." Let's look at each of these windows and then we'll show you how to use them to get started. The View window in the upper left of your screen gives you a look at your surroundings. The Text window appears at the bottom of your screen when there is important information for you to read. The Command window lets you manipulate objects and move through your environment. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 6 When you first awaken you will find yourself in a restroom stall. In front of you hangs a tan trench coat. Let's examine the trench coat. Use the control pad to move the pointer to the box next to the EXAM. command in the Command window. Press the A button to choose the EXAM. command. The box will turn black to confirm your selection. Next, use the control pad to move the pointer up until it is over the trench coat in the View window. Press the A button to examine the trench coat. You will be given a description of the trench coat. The EXAM. command is one of your best tools for investigating your surroundings. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 7 When you press the A button, the second part of the message will be shown. Looks like there may be something of use in the pocket of the trench coat. Let's take the trench coat and look inside the pocket. Press the A button to indicate that you are finished reading the message. The Command window will once again appear. Move the pointer to the TAKE command and press the A button. Next, move the pointer up to the View window until it is over the trench coat and press the A button. You will receive a message confirming that the coat has been taken. Press the A button to return to the Command window. You will now see a COAT listed in the GOODS page of your notebook in the upper left part of the window. Having taken the trench coat, you will now see a .38 revolver in a holster hanging in front of you. As the message indicates, this will probably be handy! Press the A button to return to the Command window. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 8 The TAKE command will still be selected. To take the gun, move the pointer to the gun and press the A button. You will receive a message confirming that you have taken the gun and it will appear in the GOODS page of your notebook. Now let's look inside the pocket of the trench coat. Move the pointer to the box next to the OPEN command in the Command window and press the A button. Next, move the pointer to the box next to the COAT in the GOODS page of your notebook and press the A button. You will receive a message confirming the opening of the pocket. Press the A button again to clear the message. Your notebook will now show a page listing the contents of the coat pocket. Some of these items will probably be useful, but only if we get out of this restroom stall! The OPEN command should still be selected. Move the pointer to the door of the stall straight in front of you and press the A button. You will receive a message confirming the opening of the door and you will now be able to see into the other part of the restroom. OK, let's get out of here! ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 9 Press the A. button to return to the Command window. Move the pointer to the MOVE command and press the A button. The box just below the MOVE command gives you an over-head view of any available exits from your current position. Move the pointer down to the blue box in the area just below the MOVE command and press the A button. You will then move out of the stall and find yourself in the middle of the restroom. Before you is another door. Perhaps you should open it and see what lies beyond. Or maybe you should examine the other items in this room more carefully. The rest is up to you! Good luck! The other commands work similarly to the ones you have already used. The following section conatains (sic) a summary of all the commands. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 10 SUMMARY OF COMMANDS: EXAM. This command allows you to examine objects in the View window. This is the best way to get information on the objects you see. It will help you determine which objects are important. SPEAK Use this command to talk to the other characters you may encounter. HIT Use this command to strike a forceful blow against someone or something. CLOSE Used to close objects that have been opened. OPEN Used to open doors, pockets, boxes, and other containers. You can also use this to open items that appear in the GOODS page of your notebook. TAKE Use this command to pick up an object. After taking an object, it will appear on the GOODS page of your notebook. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 11 LEAVE This command lets you try to drop an object at your current location. You can do this to lighten your load or to discard an item that is no longer of use. USE This command lets you use an object that you are carrying. The objects you are carrying are listed on the GOODS page of your notebook. To use an object, first choose the USE command. Next, move the pointer to the object you want to use on the GOODS page of your notebook and press the A button. If this object is to be used on another object, you can then move the pointer into the View window to choose the object that should be acted upon. In this way you can use a gun against an assailant for example. This command is also useful for consuming food or drink. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 12 MOVE This command permits you to move through your environment. To use the MOVE command, first move the pointer to the MOVE command and press the A button. You can then specify where you would like to move by positioning the pointer over one of the available exits. Available exits are shown in the box below the MOVE command. This is a top down view of your present location. You may also specify where to move by moving the pointer to the desired exit in the View window and pressing the A button. Each time you move to a new location, you will be given a description of your surroundings. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 13 THE NOTEBOOK: The Notebook window shows you an inventory of the items or notes you are carrying. Only one page of the notebook is visible at a time. You can use the Left and Right arrow boxes in the Command window to turn the pages of your notebook. THE SELF BOX: The SELF box lets you use an object on yourself. For example, to drink a glass of seltzer, you would first TAKE it so that it shows up in the GOODS page of your notebook. Next, you would choose the USE command, select the seltzer from the GOODS page, and lastly choose the SELF box to use the seltzer on yourself. THE SAVE COMMAND: You can save your current status by selecting the SAVE command. This will allow you to resume your game at another time. ------------------------------------------------------------------- PAGE 14 RESUMING A SAVED GAME: After pressing the START button to begin your game, choose the FILE to which you had previously saved your game. You will then be given three choices: CONTINUE lets you resume your previously saved game. EXIT lets you cancel your choice. NEW GAME lets you start the game from the very beginning. However, this will erase your previously saved game! ------------------------------------------------------------------- Exclusively distributed by: Seika Corporation, USA 20000 Mariner Avenue Suite 100 Torrance, CA 90503 1-800-462-5040 in CA 213-373-8127 ------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEJA VU HINT BOOK $5.95 __________________________________________ Send ____ _____ Name (please print) Hintbooks at $5.95 each __________________________________________ Address California residents _____ add 6.75% sales tax __________________________________________ ($.40 per book). City State Zip Add $2.00 postage _____ and handling per book. TOTAL _____ ------------------------------------------------------------------- Clip or photocopy this form, fill in completely and send with a check or money order in an envelope addressed to: Kemco/Seika 20000 Mariner Ave. Suite 100 Torrance, CA 90503-1670 ------------------------------------------------------------------- THE DEJA VU HINT BOOK I know you're the greatest detective that's ever walked the face of the earth, and if ya weren't so groggy you'd have solved this case by now, wouldn't ya? But, hey, we all get a little tripped up from time to time and need some professional advice. I'll let ya in on an inside tip if ya promise to keep yer mug shut about it. There's this book, see, that'll get ya outta any mess. Ssshhh! It's called THE DEJA VU HINTBOOK. Just clip out, photocopy or secretly photograph the form at left, fill it in and send it with the right amount of dough. You'll get three levels of answers to all yer questions without the risk of losing your detective's license. Good luck, pal! ------------------------------------------------------------------- END OF MANUAL -------------------------------------------------------------------
These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.