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Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.
Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

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Keyboard Controls | |
Gamepad Button | Player 1 |
Left | Left Arrow |
Right | Right Arrow |
Up | Up Arrow |
Down | Down Arrow |
A | X |
B | Z |
Start/Pause | Enter |
Select | Ctrl |

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.
BANDAI(R) NES-EC-USA Instruction Booklet STREET COP (tm) This cassette is exclusively for POWER PAD, sold seperately SIDE B Use B-side of the POWER PAD Licensed by Nintendo for play on the Nintendo Entertainment System(R) [inside front cover] BANDAI(R) This game is licensed by Nintendo for play on the Nintendo Entertainment System(R) Street Cop is a trademark of Bandai America, Inc. (c) 1987 Bandai America, Inc. Bandai is a registered trademark of Bandai America, Inc. Nintendo and Nintendo Entertainment System are trademarks of Nintendo of America Inc.This official seal is your assurance that Nintendo(R) has reviewed this product and that it has met our standards for excellence in workmanship, reliability, and entertainment value. Always look for this seal when buying games and accessories to ensure complete compatibility with your Nintendo Entertainment System(R). [page 1]----------------------------------------------------------- Thank you very much for purchasing Bandai's STREET COP GAME PAK for NES and Power Pad. I order for you to enjoy the game as much as possible, please read these instructions. Playing STREET COP requires more than just using your controller. Instead, it takes your entire body to operate the POWER PAD, just like a sport. With our STREET COP, you can exercise both your brain and body while you enjoy yourself playing! Please use the B side of the POWER PAD for this game. Be sure to do warm-ups before you begin playing. Be sure you do not bother other people while playing. Be sure not to play too long to avoid fatigue. One hour a day is the appropriate playing time. NOTE: Please note that some of the photographs contained in this instruction booklet are different from the actual visuals on the screen. [Page 2]----------------------------------------------------------- PRECAUTIONS 1. Turn off the power when inserting or removing the Game Pak. 2. This is a high precision game. It should not be stored in places that are very hot or very cold. Never hit or drop it. Do not take it apart. 3. Avoid touching the connectors and do not get them wet or dirty. Doing so may damage the game. 4. Do not clean with benzene, paint thinner, alcohol, or other such solvents. POWER PAD(tm) SERIES Note: In the interest of product improvement, Nintendo Entertainment System specifications and design are subject to change without prior notice. This game has been programmed to take advantage of the full screen. Some older models have rounded screens and may block out a portion of the image. [Page 3]----------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. HOW TO CONNECT THE POWER PAD.......................3 2. OPERATION..........................................4 3. HOW TO OPERATE THE POWER PAD.......................5 4. HOW TO PLAY........................................9 Stage 1: Park................................12 Stage 2: Harlem..............................14 Stage 3: Warehouse Area......................15 Stage 4: Construction Site...................16 Stage 6: Business District...................18 Locations..................................20 How to Obtain the Items for Culprit Arrest...22 5. USEFUL TIPS FOR PLAYING STREET COP................16 6. WARRANTY & SERVICE................................24 Please read the instructions before you start playing. {Stage 5 is not listed in the Table of Contents, and the page numbers aren't all correct. - jhd7} [Page 4]----------------------------------------------------------- 1. HOW TO CONNECT THE POWER PAD STREET COP is used with the B-side of the Power Pad. The A-side cannot be used with this Game Pak. HOOKING UP For connection of the NES TV and adjustment of the monitor screen, please refer to the instructions for the family computer and TV respectively. 1) Switch the power on the NES OFF. 2) Insert the plug of the Power Pad securely into the expand connector on the face of the NES. 3) Insert the cassette and spred the Pad neatly before switching the power of the NES. [Page 5]----------------------------------------------------------- 2. OPERATION NAME AND FUNCTION OF EACH PART (1) Item Use Circle (2)(3) Squat/Turn Circles (4) Baton Circle (5) Left-shift Circle (6)(7) Chase Circles (8) Right-shift Circle (9)(12) Item Use Circles (10)(11) Direction Control Circles SELECT BUTTON ... for selecting START or CONTINUE after the game is over. START BUTTON .... for starting a game. (B) BUTTON ...... for firing pistol and/or throwing ITEMS. (A) BUTTON ...... for swinging the baton. Control Pad is NOT used [Page 6]----------------------------------------------------------- 3. HOW TO OPERATE THE POWER PAD Use the (6) and (7) to start and chase. BEN moves at three different speeds, reflecting the running speed of the player. If the numbers are not pushed after starting the game, BEN just jumps instead of running. The ITEMS can be controlled by operating BUTTONS A and B of the controller instead of using the Power Pad. HOW TO TURN CORNERS / ENTER BUILDINGS To turn left, (to enter a building on the left) To turn right, (to enter a building on the right) Step on (2) or (3) and then put your foot back to the number you were on before the turn, and continue walking by pressing (6), (7). [Page 7]----------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO MAKE BEN CHANGE DIRECTIONS To make Ben change directions, step on (10) or (11) with one foot. HOW TO MAKE BEN SQUAT To make Ben squat down, push (2) and (3) simultaneously with your hands while keeping your feet on (6) and (7) of the Power Pad HOW TO MAKE BEN CHANGE HIS COURSE Each time you step on (8), Ben gradually changes his course to the right (moving forward). Each time you step on (5), Ben gradually changes his course to the left (moving forward). HOW TO USE THE BATON To make Ben swing his baton, step on (or push with your hand) (4). A push on the B BUTTON of the controller will also work. [Page 8]----------------------------------------------------------- HOT TO OPERATE THE ITEMS The ITEMS can be obtained either by taking them from the culprit or picking them up from a store. Each Item can be used as many times as are shown on the ITEM DISPLAY. Each time you step on (1), (9), or (12), the ITEMS can be used until the item display resgisters "0". (1)... can of coke, fire-cracker, orange, pistol, mustard. (9), (12)... V-MAX, turbo drink, hyper-drink, dog whistle. The ITEMS can NOT be used in the following locations: sewer, petshop, police station, hamburger shop, subway. [Page 9]----------------------------------------------------------- 4. HOW TO PLAY "LITTLE BEN" is a rookie cop fresh out of the Police Academy. He grew up on the crime-ridden streets of this city. As a young boy he dreamed of one day becoming a great detective so he could clean up the streets of his neighborhood and give them back to the decent people who live there. His success is up to you. TITLE SCREEN When the set is plugged in, the TITLE SCREEN will be displayed. Pressing the "START" button will change the display to a WANTED SCREEN. WANTED SCREEN This will show the wanted culprit and his/her cohort(s). The screen will then automatically change into the GAME SCREEN. Once all the culprits are caught, the screen will show the wanted poster with an "X" over it and automatically move on to the next stage. [Page 10]----------------------------------------------------------- ON SCREEN INDICATORS {Numbers refer to a screenshot on page 11. All indicators are at the bottom of the screen, and are numbered left to right. - jhd7} [1] TIME INDICATOR This indicates how much time is left for the arrest. [2] POWER METER The number on this indicator decreases when "Little" Ben is attacked by a culprit or if he bumps into something. [3] MAPS [4] CULPRIT INDICATOR This shows the culprit and his cohorts or minions. [5] ITEM INDICATOR This indicates the item that may be used in each stage. [Page 11]----------------------------------------------------------- [Page 12]----------------------------------------------------------- [Page 13]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE ONE: PARK SNATCHER JOE Age 29, 6'0", 165 lbs. A purse snatcher who usually robs in the parks, Joe steals from people in order to get money for partying. He appears mainly in parks. His criminal record is an astonishingly long one, but it is comprised only of minor offenses. When he is paroled, he immediately goes back to stealing. He is constantly arrested and released without ever learning his lesson. Method for Investigation and Arrest When Joe's cohort is caught, Joe appears. Arrest him using the baton or the item. *These crooks seem to have a habit of hiding themselves in trash cans...When Joe is arrested, an "X" appears on his wanted poster, and the wanted poster of the boss and his cohorts in the next stage will be displayed on the screen. COHORT ITEM COKE CAN: Throw the can to cause damage to the culprit. [Page 14]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 2: HARLEM SPEEDY LOUIS Age 27, 6'4", 175 lbs. The leader of the Louis Army, a group of purse snatchers. Since he was a little boy, Louis has always been a fast runner; but not only that, his hands can move so fast that he is convinced robbery is his life's calling. His robbery has continued to this very day. Method for Investigation and Arrest Common methods used in ordinary cases would not be very effective in trying to capture Speedy louis. The key is to obtain an item that will enable "LITTLE" BEN to run as fast as Louis. When the game is over, the CONTINUE SCREEN will appear. Choose either the SELECT button to go back to the first stage or the START button to resume and repeat the game from the present stage. COHORTS ITEM BOMB: throw this at the culprit to injure him. V-MAX TURBO DRINK: this enables "Little" Ben to run at high speed. [Page 15]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 3: WAREHOUSE AREA ANIMAL S Age 32, 6'3", 290 lbs. A former footbal player. Since he received a heavy blow to his head during a football game, destroying things has become his only pleasure. When Animal strikes someone, he can feel the blood rush to his head. A truly frightening character. Method for Investigation and Arrest Animal S is powerful and persistent all the way through! He will always come charging at "LITTLE" BEN, so either dodge and attack him in perfect timing, or get hold of the ITEMS and utilize them. *In each stage, there are oter unmentioned ITEMS. Some will lengthen time, others increase power. COHORT ITEMS ORANGE: throw it at the culprit to injure him. HYPER DRINK: this will increase "Little" Ben's power so that he becomes virtually invinceable for a limited time (a fatal item against Animal S!). [Page 16]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 4: CONSTRUCTION SITE BIG BURGER Age 35, 5'10", 275 lbs. A habitual eat-and-run offender, a fast food restaurant plunderer. He is especially fond of hamburgers. He downs as much as he can then runs away. When not eating, he likes to climb up very tall buildings to daydream. He has ruined quite a number of restaurants so far. Method for Investigation and Arrest "LITTLE" BEN has received information that Big Burger is supposed to be at the highest place in the area, the construction site of a skyscraper. Watch out for objects falling from above since the site is still under construction and dangerous!! Starting with this stage, "LITTLE" BEN can use the DOG WHISTLE to get help from a police dog to capture an offender. There appears to be a spy in town...Be careful with this guy! It is also reported that Big Burger hates mustard. COHORTS ITEMS MUSTARD: throw this at someone who hates it to cause damage. DOG WHISTLE: when this whistle is blown, the police dog Pochi will come running and jump at the culprit. [Page 17]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 5: DOWNTOWN BLOODY BETTY Age 19, 5'7", 120 lbs. A former female gang leader, now a habitual extorter. Good at knife-throwing. Initially Betty was a good kid but a poverty-stricken family environment and a cruel world have turned her into a cold hearted person. She has a habit of saying, "It's all because of poverty!" Method for Investigation and Arrest Betty goes to a number of stores. Go into every single store to look for her. While doing this, "LITTLE" BEN might find some useful ITEMS. Watch out for her knives! They can be dangerous! If "LITTLE" BEN fails to arrest her, she will run away to another town. So be careful! COHORTS ITEMS BOMB: throw this at the culprit to cause some damage. DOG WHISTLE: when DOG WHISTLE is blown, police dog Pochi will come running to help. [Page 18]----------------------------------------------------------- STAGE 6: BUSINESS DISTRICT DON MAYONECHEESE Age 68, 5'4", 154 lbs. Though known as a businessman, he is really the second boss of the mafia family Mayonecheese. He is a coward who hates anything and everything painful, even if it's just an inoculation. But, he loves to show off his bravado. He has a bulletproof jacket on at all times. He has no fear of dogs. Method for Investigation and Arrest This is the final most decisive battle against the most powerful mafia in Manhattan, the Mayoneheese family! BEN doesn't know which of the three hideouts in three towns the boss is at. Use the subway to go from one town to another in search of him. Don't shoot unnecessarily since a heavy shoot-out is expected to take place! First, get hold of the key and march into the boss's house! COHORTS ? [Page 19]----------------------------------------------------------- Use your NES controller in conjunction with the POWER PAD to allow BEN to shoot more rapidly! You can do it, "LITTLE" BEN! ITEMS DOG WHISTLE: when this is blown, police dog Pochi will come running to help. BULLET: shoot to knock down the enemy. KEY: without this, "LITTLE" BEN cannot get into the hideouts. [Page 20]----------------------------------------------------------- LOCATIONS SUBWAY: When "LITTLE" BEN enters a building with a "SUBWAY" sign, the screen display changes to a subway platform. Once he goes through the doorway into the train, he can go to the next town. SEWER: When "LITTLE" BEN falls into a manhole in the street, he lands in the sewer! He has to get back up on the street as soon as possible, because the time spent underground is time wasted. He has to dodge the rats coming at him and jump at the stone stairs to finally reach street level. WAREHOUSE AREA: The location for Stage 3 is two streets with a warehouse between them. As "LITTLE" BEN enters the warehouse, jumps over to dodge the obstacles inside, and goes out of the exit, he will find himself on the other street. [Page 21]----------------------------------------------------------- CONSTRUCTION SITE: "LITTLE" BEN must dodge the steel frames falling from above as he climbs up a structure under construction. When going to upper floors, he will jump up the stairs. GANG HIDEOUTS: the first thing to do is to knock down the minions and get the key because without the key, "LITTLE" BEN cannot go into the hideouts. He will go further and further into a hideout as he knocks down the minions one after another. If he can't find the boss even when he reaches the last room, he has to move on to the hideout in the next town. Some rooms will have their entrance in the front. NOTE: As "LITTLE" BEN goes into various buildings, he may obtain ITEMS or run into the culprits. Let's find them. [Page 22]----------------------------------------------------------- HOW TO OBTAIN THE ITEMS FOR CULPRIT ARREST *COKE CAN Stage 1 In front of the vendor's wagon, etc. *BOMB Stage 2, 5 Knock down a culprit to get it. *V-MAX TURBO DRINK Stage 2 Sometimes appears when a culprit is brought down. *ORANGE Stage 3 Lying in warehouse. *HYPER DRINK Stage 3 Appears when a criminal is brought down. *MUSTARD Stage 4 Get it at a hamburger shop. *DOG WHISTLE Stage 4, 5, 6 Get it at a pet shop. *BULLET Stage 6 Go into a police station to get it. *KEY Stage 6 Appears when a culprit is brought down. *There are other ITEMS that increase BEN'S power or lengthen the time available for BEN. [Page 23]----------------------------------------------------------- 5. USEFUL TIPS FOR PLAYING STREET COP Before you start playing, be sure to do kneebends, jumps, and so on to warm up. Starting a hard exercise suddenly is not good for your health. If you have difficulty playing because of sliding or moving of the Pad, place a vinyl carpet or other material underneath the Pad. It will also help to muffle the noise. PLAYING TOO MUCH IS NOT GOOD FOR YOUR HEALTH! TRY NOT TO PLAY MORE THAN ONE HOUR A DAY. [Page 24]----------------------------------------------------------- 90-Day Limited Warranty {Legalese} Bandai America, Inc. Consumer Service Department 12951 East 166th Street Cerritos, CA 90701 [Inside Back Cover]------------------------------------------------- COMPLIANCE WITH FCC REGULATIONS {more legalese} This booklet is available from the U.S.Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402, Stock No. 004-000-00345-4. [Back Cover]-------------------------------------------------------- Bandai(R) Distributed by Bandai America, Inc., Cerritos, CA 90701 Printed in Japan
These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.