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Xenophobe NES Video Game

Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.

Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

Click Game Window Size Button to Zoom Game Size between default, 1.5X and 2X

This image has an empty alt attribute; its file name is nes.jpg

If you are a little tech savvy, we also offer all these
NES games in a JAVA Emulator.

Keyboard Controls
Gamepad Button Player 1
Left Left Arrow
Right Right Arrow
Up Up Arrow
Down Down Arrow
Start/Pause Enter
Select Ctrl
amazon 3

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.



Xenophobe  (Zee-no-phobe) n.  One who has a deadly fear of anything alien.
Xenophobe is a Video science fiction adventure game that can be played by
one or two players simultaneously.

Thank You...for purchasing the SUNSOFT "Xenophobe" Game Pak.

Please read this instruction booklet carefully before starting to play the
game.  In doing so, you will be able to play the game better and enjoy it
even more.  Be sure to keep these instructions in a safe place.


Game Objectives......................................................2
Joystick Operation...................................................3
How to Play..........................................................5



1. To exterminate hostile alien life forms (called "Xenos") that are infesting
derelict space stations and moon bases.

2. To collect various forms of valuable hardware found at each derelict
space station and moon base.


Be sure to turn the power OFF before inserting the game pak or removing it
from the unit.

This is a high-tech instrument.  Do not store it in an area subject to
extreme hot or cold temperatures.  Never drop it, bump it or attempt to
take it apart.

Avoid touching the connectors.  Do not allow them to get wet or dirty.
Doing so will damage the unit.



-Select Button -- selects 1 or 2 players, selects Exterminator character.
2 can
 play at the same time

-Start Button -- to start game play and to choose Exterminator selected.
 action during game play.

-B Button -- to destroy Xenos with weapons.

-A Button -- jump/pick up items and objects.  Press down and press A to sit and


Exterminator                     Button &
Action                           Joystick Operation
Call Elevator                    Press "A" to activate elevator/Wall Button
Elevator Up/Down                 When inside elevator, press "A" then Up or
                                 Down on joystick when arrow is shown
Jump                             "A" Button - when standing
Stand up                         Press "A" when seated
Sit                              Press "A" + Down on joystick
Throw bomb                       Press "A" + Down when sitting and loaded
                                 with bombs
Take object                      Press "A" when touching object
Warp (to another room)           When you are near wall button, press "A"
Throw "Critter"                  Press "A" when it grabs on to you



Select 1 or 2 players.  Choose your exterminator.  Use the select button to
choose the character you wish.  Press start to select the character you
have chosen.
Note: When playing a 2-player game, the same character will be cloned for
each player.  Player 1 and player 2 will have different color uniforms.

Via Transfer Disc, the Home Ship will automatically beam you aboard the
first derelict space station.  As soon as the particles of your character
are fully reassembled, you can go about your mission.

Your main objective is to destroy as many Xenos as fast as possible before
the space station self destructs.  If you clear a sufficient

amount of Xenos in time, the space station will be declared "cleared of
Xenos" and a bonus will be awarded.  If you fail to clear out the Xenos,
then the space station will be declared "overrun by Xenos" and no special
bonus will be awarded.

Split screen play:  In a 2-player game, each player may independently
explore different parts of the various space stations.

Health:  Player is awarded 1000 Health units at the beginning of each game.
When all Health is gone, the game is over.  As you, the player, are
injured by attacking Xenos, your Health will decrease.  When game is over,
you must start a new game.  There is no way to continue.

There are two ways to regain Health.  One is by picking up special objects,
the other is by successfully clearing a space station of Xenos.  The award
for clearing a space station of Xenos is 200 Health units.
Space stations:  There are 8 space stations in all; each space station has
8 rooms per floor.

Stage          Space Station          Number of Floors
1              Mother Ship            1
2              Mother Base            2
3              Star Base              3
4              Moon City              4
5              Star Port              3
6              Moon Port              2
7              Star Ship              3
8              Star City              4

Pg.8-11 (chart takes up four pages in manual)
                                                      XENO OFFENSE       POINT
XENO               GENETIC DESCRIPTION                "Health Damage"    VALUE
Critter            A cross between a small three-     Latches onto         100
                   legged squid and a scorpion        Exterminator
Snotterpiller      A very large, leaping, heavily     Spits slime          500
                   armored cross between a lizard        (50)
                   and a caterpillar
Laser Ball         Hovering ball droid with             Laser              250
                   built-in laser                       (10)
Giant              A mutant amoeba.                   Blocks off           250
Slime              Escaped from 20th                  Exterminator path
Amoeba             century science class                   (20)
Spiderion          Cross between spider               Hangs from ceiling   500
                   and scorpion                       and drops bombs

Hazards                           Health Damage to Exterminator
High voltage force wall                       50
Slime from ceiling                            50

By destroying certain Xenos, you can earn special, more powerful weapons.

Weapon                  Type                   Point Value     Fire Power (1-5)
Phaser Gun              Single shot               100              1
Laser Pistol            Rapid fire                250              2
Lightning Gun           Medium range              250              3
Smoke Gun               Short range               250              5
Bomb                    Plastic explosive         500             MAX


Pick-Up Objects

Object                  Point Value/Function
ID card                 500
Fuel                    250
Medicine I              200 with health recovery
Medicine II             100 with health recovery
Document                250
Cup                     250 with health recovery
Tool                    250
Skull                   500
Knife                   250
Bomb                    500
Floppy Disc             500
Mystery Object           ?     :)


Loss of Health Points

Action that causes damage to player                           Points lost
 (When Exterminator...)
is hit by a laser beam from Laserball                         10

is hit by dripping slimes from the ceiling                    50

is hit by the slime spat by Snotterpiller                     50

is hit by a bomb spat by Spiderion                            100

is latched onto by Critter                                    10

touches Laserball                                             20

touches the Giant Slime Amoeba                                20

touches Snotterpiller                                         50

touches Spiderion                                             50

touches Electrical Force Wall                                 50


Page 16 is a page to keep scores

Page 17 - Compliance with FCC Regulations

These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.

image 3
Xenophobe Arcade Game Emulated on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Play Xenophobe in your web browser or mobile phone. This NES emulator provides very accurate Xenophobe gameplay. Xenophobe is a classic 1980s NES video game.