Play Atari 2600 Video Games Online

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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea BattleBasic MathBlackjackCombatIndy 500Star ShipStreet RacerSurround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.

This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!

Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game

Cosmic Swarm

If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.

Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button

  For 1 player                   Uses Joystick Controller
  (c)1982 COMMAVID, INC.
  The immense WAYPOINT interstellar trade depot floats with
  its small crew at a distant cross roads between the stars.
  It should be a quiet place to command. But beware -- a 
  dormant colony of giant, alien, mineral-eating termites 
  hidden in one holding section seven have awakened! The
  Termites invade the main power-conversion chamber and begin
  assembling a haphazard nest. Your crew is working feverishly,
  opening crates of tiny remote-controlled planetary-probe
  ships. Its up to you to pilot a fragile probe ship into the
  power chamber and clear out the invaders before they jam it
  totally. By docking with your refueling ship when necessary,
  and by energizing the nest blocks so your probe ship's fire
  can destroy them, you may be able to prevail against the 
  invaders and save WAYPOINT.
  * Turn off your game console.
  * Insert the COSMIC SWARM cartridge.
  * Make sure the left joystick controller is firmly connected 
    to the console (this is the only controller used).
  * Turn on your game console.
  * Select the game skill level by setting the console difficulty
    switches (Note: On Sears Tele-Game, the difficulty switches 
    are called "skill switches."  The "a" position is called 
    expert, and the "b" position is called novice).
    Beginner:   Set both difficulty switches to "b".
    Novice:     Set left difficulty switch to "a", set right 
                difficulty switch to "b".
    Challenger: Set left difficulty switch to "b", set right
                difficulty switch to "a". 
    Expert:     Set both difficulty switches to "a".
  * Hold the joystick with the red button in the upper left.
  * Start the game by pressing the game reset switch.
  Use the left joystick controller to control your probe ship. 
    Move Up      |     Move Up     
    & Left   \   |   / & Right     
              \  |  /              
               \ | /                    When the red button is UP,
                \|/                     pushing the joystick will move
     Move   ====( )==== Move            the probe ship horizontally,
     Left       /|\     Right           vertically, or diagonally.
               / | \               
              /  |  \
             /   |   \
    Move Down    |     Move Down
    & Left     Move    & Right
               Move                     When the red button is DOWN,
                Up                      pushing on the joystick will
    Move Up      |     Move Up          move the probe ship vertically, 
    & Rotate \   |   / & Rotate         rotate the direction of the  
    CCW       \  |  /  CW               ship, or do both at the same  
               \ | /                    time. The probe ship's gun will
                \|/                     fire when the red button is 
    Rotate  ====( )==== Rotate          released. If a new bolt is fired
    CCW         /|\     CW              while an old one is in flight,
               / | \                    the old one is destroyed. Only
              /  |  \                   one bolt can be in flight at a
             /   |   \                  time.
   Rotate CCW    |     Rotate CW    
   & Move      Move    & Move           [Note: CW = Clockwise,
   Down        Down    Down                   CCW = Counter Clockwise]
  If your probe ship touches a                          #       #
  Termite or any of the nest                             #     # 
  blocks they lay down, it will be                         ####   #   
  instantly destroyed. Termites                       ############        
  can be destroyed by hitting them                        ######
  with a bolt from your ship. Nest                    ##########    
  blocks will stop your ship's                            ##########
  bolts without being destroyed                           ######
  unless they are energized                              ########### 
  (described later).                                    #  ####
                                                       #   ######
  The game begins with a reserve                         # ####  #
  force of 3 probe ships displayed                 *      #######    
  at the top of screen to the                            ##     ##   
  right of the score. A new ship                @        #       #      
  is earned for every 100 points             @@@            
  scored. Up to six ships can be          @@@@@@       
  held in reserve. When the last           @@@@                
  probe ship is destroyed, the               @     
  game ends.                                        Shooting a Termite
  You must occasionally refuel               
  your ship. A warning sound will              
  alert you when your fuel is low.               ##               
  A refueling ship will then                    ### 
  slowly travel down and back up               #### 
  the left or right edge of the             #######
  screen. The game ends if you                  ###   $$
  fail to dock with the refueling                     $$
  ship before it returns to the                     $$$$$$
  top of the screen -- regardless                   $$$$$$
  of how many ships  you have in                  $$$$$$$$$$
                                           Docking with the Refueling Ship
  GGGGGGG           #       #
  GGGGGGG            #     # 
  GGGGGGG              ####   #          
         GGGGGGG  ############        
         GGGGGGG      ######
         GGGGGGG  ##########    
         GGGGGGG      ##########
         GGGGGGG      ######
         GGGGGGG     ########### 
         GGGGGGG    #  ####                If a termite is carrying a
         GGGGGGG   #   ######              block, and it is hit squarely
  GGGGGGG            # ####  #             on the bottom of the block, 
  GGGGGGG             #######              both the termite and its block
  GGGGGGG            ##     ##             are destroyed. The remaining
  GGGGGGG            #BBBBBBB#             blocks then turn from green to  
                      BBBBBBB              red (or become a darker gray
                      BBBBBBB              on a black-and-white TV). The   
                      BBBBBBB              blocks are now "energized" and  
                               GGGGGGG     are vulnerable to destruction
                      *        GGGGGGG     by your bolts.
      Energizing the Nest Blocks
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR      Whenever your bolts destroy
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR      a termite, unless you hit 
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR      the termite on the bottom of
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR      a block it is carrying, all
           RRRRRRRRR          RRRRRRR      blocks are de-energized and
  RRRRRRRRR                                become impossible to destroy.
  RRRRRRRRR      *                         In this state they are green
  RRRRRRRRR                                (lighter gray on a black-and-
  RRRRRRRRR                                white set).
  RRRRRRRRR      $$
          Destroying a Nest Block
  Hitting a termite that is NOT carrying a block       1 point
  Hitting a termite that is carrying a block
           if the bottom of the block is NOT hit       2 points
           if the bottom of the block is hit           3 points
  Hitting an energized (red) block                     1 point
  By scoring properly, an observant and skillful player can 
  earn bonus points 100 or 200 at a time. These bonus points 
  do not, however, count toward earning extra probe ships.
  The left difficulty switch controls the speed of one of the 
  termites; the "a" position is the fastest. The right 
  difficulty switch controls the aggressiveness of the termites.
  In the "a" position they are much more likely to chase your 
  ship after dropping their blocks.
  CommaVid is a different kind of game company, formed by a group
  of professionals from computing and the physical sciences. We 
  believe that our experience outside the consumer electronic 
  market will aid us in developing interesting products for our 
  customers. New electronic products are like presents, sometimes
  it's nice to get what you want and other times a surprise is 
  welcome.  By combining our own ideas, and reactions of our 
  customers, we hope to create some pleasantly surprising new
  products. To help us do this we would like both your reactions
  to this game and any suggestions you would care to pass along 
  for new games or other new computer based consumer products. We
  will read everything you send to the address below and answer 
  as often as we can. Unless you request otherwise, we will 
  include you in our list for mailings of advance information 
  about our new releases.
  The next time you are shopping for fun and games, remember to 
  look for CommaVid.
       Box 3308
       Fox Valley Center
       Aurora, Illinois  60505
       For fast response to requests for
       cartridge repair write to:
       CommaVid Service Center
       Box 3326
       Fox Valley Center
       Aurora, Illinois  60505
  Tele-Games is a trademark of Sears Roebuck and Co.
  Atari and Video Computer System are trademarks of ATARI, INC.
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Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

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Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.



CosmicSwarm Arcade Game Emulated on the Atari 2600. Play CosmicSwarm in your web browser or mobile phone. This Atari 2600 console emulator provides very accurate CosmicSwarm gameplay. CosmicSwarm is a classic 1980s Atari 2600 video game.