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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea BattleBasic MathBlackjackCombatIndy 500Star ShipStreet RacerSurround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.

This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!

Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game

Flag Capture

If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.

Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button

Flag Capture

Use your Joystick Controllers with this Game Program. 
Be sure the controllers are firmly connected to your Video Computer 
System. See the Owner's Manual for details. Hold the controllers 
with the red button to your upper left towards the television screen. 
For one-player games, use the left controller.

Note: To prolong the life of your Atari Video Computer System and protect 
the electronic components, the console unit should be OFF when inserting 
or removing a Game Program

Each player controls an explorer. Your object is to find the flag using 
your explorer. The left controller player's explorer starts in the upper 
left corner square; the right controller player's explorer starts in the 
lower right corner square.

Explorers can move from square to square. During your turn, you can move 
your explorer to any square position. To move the explorer up or down the 
maze, move the Joystick up or down. To move the explorer to the right or 
left, move the Joystick to the right or left. Move the explorer to diagonal 
squares by moving the Joystick in one of the four diagonal directions you 

NOTE: Your explorer cannot move occupied by an opponent's explorer.

When you are satisfied with the position of your explorer press the 
red controller button. Any of the following objects will appear on 
the square:

A Direction Clue.
An arrow may appear which will point to the direction of the flag. 
Here are a few examples of Direction Arrows. 
The shaded area refers to the location of the flag.

A Number Clue.
A number may appear which will refer to the distance between your 
explorer and the flag. For example, if the Number 2 appears, the flag 
is somewhere on the perimeter of a 2-square radius. Here are a few 
examples of Number Clues. The shaded area refers to the possible 
location of the flag.

A Bomb.
Curses! A trap has been set and
you fall for it. A bomb explodes under your explorer. Now, begin again 
at the starting square.

The Flag.
Good Show! You've found the flag.

Every game is not the same. Each features different variations. 
For a description of these variations, continue reading.

-   Free-For-All:
Both players start moving their explorers across the maze simultaneously. 
No need to take turns. Pay attention to your opponent's clues if you can. 
The first player to find the flag scores a point.

-  Double Two-Player:
Each player takes a turn to move his explorer and uncover a clue. 
The first player to find the flag scores one point.

-Solo Two-Player:
In these games, one player continues to take turns until the flag is 
found.  Then it's the opponent's turn to find the flag. The object is 
to score the lowest number of points. A player scores one point each 
time he pushes the controller button and receives a clue.


- One-Player Timed:
The clock at the top of the screen times out at 75 seconds. 
That's how much time you have to find the flag as many times as possible. 
Once you find a flag, start over again.

No surprises here. The location of the flag remains the same throughout 
the game. Just study the clues carefully.

Fast thinking and a little luck are the secrets to finding a Moving Flag. 
Each time a player takes a turn without finding the flag, the flag moves 
ONE square. The Flag continues to move in the SAME direction until a 
player finds it. The flag moves in a vertical, horizontal or diagonal 
straight line.  For example, after two turns are taken, the flag has 
moved in a diagonal straight line from point A to point C (two squares).


In all games the explorers can move off the maze and appear on the 
opposite side. For example, move the explorer horizontally off the right 
side, and it appears on the first square of the same row on the left side. 
(See the following diagram). Note that the vertical and diagonal explorer 
movement is the same as flag movement reviewed in the following section.

Moving Flag
The Wraparound features can also apply to the Moving Flag. Some games will 
offer a Moving Flag with Wraparound. There are three ways the flag's 
movement is controlled by Wraparound:

When the flag is moving in a horizontal straight Iine, it  may eventually 
move off the screen. When this occurs, the flag reappears at the opposite 
side of the screen in the same row.

When the flag is moving in a vertical straight line, it may move off the 
screen.   It will reappear at the opposite side in the same column of 

The diagonal movement of the flag differs from the horizontal and vertical 
Wraparounds. When the flag moves off the screen, imagine it moving one 
more square up and over. Remember this concept and you will understand 
the diagonal patterns of movement.

Moves 1-3: 
The flag moves VERTICALLY off the top side and reappears at position 4 
on the bottom side. The flag has theoretically traveled one square up 
and over.

Moves 4-7: 
The flag moves HORIZONTALLY off the right side and reappears at position 
8 on the left side. The flag has theoretically traveled one square up and 

Games that feature Moving Flags can also feature a Wall. The Wall is an 
invisible boundary around the maze. When a Moving Flag makes contact with 
the Wall, it will "bounce" into another square. The Moving Flag bounces 
at the same angle that it approached the Wall.

A player scores one point for each flag he finds during Free-For-All 
and Double Two-Player games. The first player to score 15 points wins 
the game.
During Two-Player Solo games, each player scores the number of turns 
it takes to find the flag. For example, if a player needs six clues 
or turns to find the flag, his score is six. The first player to score 
75 points LOSES the game. In timed one-player games, the player scores 
one point for each time he finds the flag. He races against the clock 
to score as many points as possible in 75 seconds.

Note:  In two-player games, the right player's score appears in the 
upper right playfield corner. The left player's score appears in the 
upper left corner.

In one-player games, the time appears in the upper right corner of 
the playfield. The player uses the left controller, and the score 
appears in the upper left playfield corner.

In Two-Player Solo games (games where players try to score the lowest 
number of points), a player scores one point for each flag when the 
Difficulty is in the "B" position. In the "A" position, a player scores 
two points for each flag.

In two-player Free-For-All games, the moving action of a player's 
explorer is slowed down when the Difficulty Switch is in the "A" position.

This document typed by Steve Reed,
amazon 2

Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.

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Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.



FlagCapture Arcade Game Emulated on the Atari 2600. Play FlagCapture in your web browser or mobile phone. This Atari 2600 console emulator provides very accurate FlagCapture gameplay. FlagCapture is a classic 1980s Atari 2600 video game.