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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
Instructions and Keyboard Controls towards bottom of page.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Start Game
If you grew up in the 80’s you shouldn’t need instructions!! You might find some help at and look up the game you need assistance playing.
Click “Game Reset” or F12 to Begin/Restart Game
Arrow Keys – Move
Space bar to fire/action button
MOTORODEO You're second in the grueling com- petition of an all-day MotoRodeo. Your customized truck, a cherry little number, speeds through the dangerous obstacle course. You quickly break through a brick wall, rumble through a muddy ditch, and jump high into the air. You grin widely as you land on a Plymouth, crushing it beneath the weight of your monster truck. Up till now, you and your oppo- nent, Trucker Tom, have been neck and neck throughout the competi- tion, but you've just pulled ahead. Your truck paid its dues during the early part of the competition, but you're confident that you've got the skills needed to outmaneuver Tom as you race for the finish line. Your adrenalin pounds. You psych yourself up for the few remaining obstacles. You're only slightly ahead of Tom, but there are still a few more walls and cars to crush. Good thing you learned quickly to jump the mud which is slowing Tom down. You rev your engine, add a burst of acceleration, and jump the last mud hole as you race for the finish line. Trucker Tom has finally met his match! Getting Started 1. With your 2600 (or 7800) game system switched off, insert the MotoRodeo cartridge into the cartridge slot as explained in your owner's manual. 2. Plug a controller into the left port for a one-player game. Plug another controller into the right port for a two-player game. 3. Switch on your TV and game console. The MotoRodeo title screen sppears. 4. Select between point scoring and timing. Move the left player difficulty setting switch on the game system to position A for point scoring and to posi- tion B for timing. If you are in timing mode, the first player to cross the finish line wins. 5. Move each connected controller forward or backward to select player or computer. Then select the type of vehicle, truck or blazer, equipped with either tires or trax. Tires allows you to go over obstacles easier. With trax you bounce higher, making it easier to fly over obstacles. Then press the fire button of either controller. 6. The second selection screen offers either competition or practice. Competition. You play against another player or the computer. A competition includes all obstacles. Move the controller forward or backward to high- light Easy, Medium, or Hard and press the fire button to begin the competition. Practice. Move the controller forward or backward to high- light Jump, Platform, Car Crush, Wall, Spring, Ramp, Mud, or Spin. Press the fire button to begin a practice run of the obstacle you selected. Optional Game Controls The following optional game con- trols allow you to pause and restart the game: * To pause the game on a 7800 game system, press PAUSE. Repeat to resume play. There is no pause option when you play MotoRodeo on a 2600 game system. * To return to the opening screen and restart the game with the currently selected options, press RESET. Playing the Game MotoRodeo is a multi-obstacle, split screen trucking extravaganza. When you compete against an opponent or the computer, each obstacle you encounter requires speed, timing, and maneuvering skill. So, before you enter the com- petition, practice maneuvering through each of the eight obstacles. Controls Use the fire button and controller to speed up and maneuver your truck or blazer. Press the fire button to accelerate. If you picked up a nitro unit (an N), tap the directional control for- ward to use the nitro for a quick burst of extra acceleration and a small jump. Wriggle the directional control right and left to move quickly through muddy bogs. /* Here comes a picture showing some obstacles. */ Move the directional control left or right to control spin while you jump. Move the directional control right for clockwise and left for counterclockwise. Move the directional control backward to do a wheelie if you are on flat ground. Practice Use the practice sessions to gain experience with each obstacle you'll find during the competition runs. You gain points during each practice run. Jump Learn to jump and control your truck or blazer in the air. Landing upright gains extra points. Practice racing up a short triangular ramp as you learn to jump and land. During this practice session you'll find some mud to plow through, jumps to make, nitro to get, and 50 point bonuses to earn. Platform Platforms are as long as your truck or blazer and are suspended in mid-air. You can use platforms to extend your jump or gain extra points by bouncing on a platform. You'll also find muddy ditches to plow through, jumps, nitro, and 50 point bonuses to earn as you move from one practice platform to the next. Car Crush Learn to crush the white cars. After landing on top of a car, wrig- gle the controller left and right to crush the car again. If you do a wheelie when starting to crush a car, you will jump instead of con- tinuing to crush the car. Combine your car crushing skills with your abilities to drive through mud, use platforms, pick up nitro, and earn 50 point bonuses. Wall Ram the wall to knock it down. You may have to hit the wall a few times to knock it down. The faster you drive, the faster you will knock down the wall. If you are doing a wheelie and driving fast when you hit a wall, you will knock down the wall and jump. Besides breaking down walls, you will also need to make daring jumps, use suspended platforms, collect nitro, and grab bonus points. Spring This is a platform on the ground that throws your truck or blazer into the air as you drive across it. You can use the spring to gain nitro and fifty point bonuses suspended in the air. You will also find plenty of mud and several platforms to help you hone your skills. Ramp Ramps move from verticle, to jump position, to flat on the ground. If vertical, the ramp is a barrier. Knock it down! If in jump position, use the ramp as you would a regular jump. When the ramp is flat on the ground, it isn't a barrier and you can't use the ramp to jump. During this practice session you'll find ramps and platforms to use, walls to break down, nitro to col- lect, and bonus points to earn. Mud Learn to jump or quickly maneuver your truck or blazer through muddy bogs by wriggling the con- troller left and right. Besides mud, you will find jumps, walls, platforms, springs, nitro, and bonus points to challenge even the best driver. Spin This ramp is fixed in a curve. When you hit this ramp it spins your truck or blazer into the air and into a spin. This is another obstacle you'll need to learn how to control if you expect to win a competition. During this practice session you will find spin ramps, cars to crush, walls to break down, mud to drive through, nitro to collect, and bonus points to earn. Competition Once you have mastered the skills needed to complete the obstacle course, you are ready to go head- to-head against an opponent. Com- pete against a friend or the com- puter. The goal of the competition is to outscore the other driver. Col- lect points as you drive through the course. But don't take too much time! A bonus awaits the first driver to cross the finish line. Strategy Do a wheelie when you hit an obstacle. You will fly a little higher and further. Only use nitro when you are on the ground and in an upright position. Wriggle the controller left and right to get out of the mud faster. Scoring Landing upright and flat from a jump ..................... 5 Each time you hit a wall ................................. 10 Each time you crush a car ................................ 20 Bouncing on trucks tires on the platform ................. 25 Jumping to a collapsing ramp ............................. 25 Touching 50 on the screen ................................ 50 Finishing the track first ............................... 100 /* copyright and guarantee text */
Our Atari 2600 emulator utilizes Javascript to run in your browser. No plugin is required, but a fast modern web browser will enhance the game play.
Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.