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The Atari 2600 was first released in North America in September 1977 and featured 9 launch titles: Air-Sea Battle, Basic Math, Blackjack, Combat, Indy 500, Star Ship, Street Racer, Surround and Video Olympics. The final licensed Atari 2600 game released in North America was Secret Quest in 1989, and the final licensed game released in Europe was Klax and Acid Drop in 1990 and 1992. Even with their 1980s limited colors and block graphics these games are still entertaining to play today! We have over 500 Atari 2600 games for you to play online for free using our Atari 2600 Javascript Emulator.
This game is mobile device friendly and Iphone compatible. Enjoy!
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-------------------------------------------------------------------------------- STAR RAIDERS atari game program instructions CX2660 4 skill levels survivial information for one player -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- TABLE OF CONTENTS 1. DESTROY THE KRYLONS, AVENGE THE DOOMED PLANET! 2. GAME PLAY 3. USING THE CONTROLLER 4. CONSOLE CONTROLS 5. RATING 6. MISSION SCORE CARD 7. SURVIVAL INFORMATION 8. GAME SELECT MATRIX 9. SCORECARD 1. DESTROY THE KRYLONS... AVENGE THE DOOMED PLANET! With Commander Champion and Li San O'Rourke in the Star Fighter, you're on the tail of the Krylon invaders. You've taken an oath to destroy the Krylons and avenge the Doomed Planet. Through interstellar space you hyperwarp faster than the speed of light, past uncharted stars and planets in an unexplored parallel universe. Watch out! You nearly collided wit an asteroid. Run into an asteroid at this speed, and POW! you're space dust. Good thing the Star Fighter's protective shields are on. Check the Krylons' position on your Galactic Map. Looks like they're heading for your starbase. Given half a chance they'll destroy it to keep you from recharging and repairing the Star Fighter. Their ships are fast, but you can hyperwarp anywhere n the galaxy in an instant... if your energy supply holds out. It's a duel to the death. Will you succeed in destroying the Krylons before they wipe out the starbase? Will the Star Fighter perish like the Doomed Planet? Or will you complete your mission and return a hero? 2. GAME PLAY Your first mission is to destroy all Krylon warships and save the starbase. Failing that, you must wipe out all Krylon ships before the Star Fighter is destroyed. If you run out of energy or take a hit with your protective shields off, the Star Fighter blows up, Krylon takes over the galaxy, and the game ends. If you complete your mission and destroy all the Krylons, the ATARI FORCE computer evaluates your performance and assigns you a new rank, based on: * Mission skill level * Amount of energy remaining * Number of visits to the starbase for energy and repairs Mission Skill Level and Energy are shown on the Control Panel (Figure 1) at the start of a game. T10 means that at Skill Level 10, there are 10 targets. The higher the skill level, the more targets, and the harder it is to survive. Start at level 10 and work your way up to 40. See Section 6 for descriptions of the mission skill levels. NOTE: Once the game starts, the T counter keeps track of targets remaining. [Figure 1 - Forward View and Control Panel (The Target Marker is shown to be at the center of the screen. Energy Remaining is shown to be at the bottom left of the screen as E400. Skill Level & Targets Remaining is at bottom center as T10)] The higher the skill level, the more energy units you start with. If you run low on energy, you can recharge at the starbase, assuming Krylon hasn't destroyed it and you have enough energy to get there. See ENERGY for additional information. HOW TO PLAY Press GAME RESET to display the forward view from the front of the Star Fighter (Figure 1). The computer signals game start with three tones and automatically turns on the protective shields and Attack Computer. Shields keep the Star Fighter from being destroyed by Krylon photon torpedoes and asteroids, but they do not protect it against damage. NOTE: When shields are on, space appears blue; when they are off, space appears black. When the Attack Computer is on, the Target Marker appears in the middle of the screen (Figure 1). If your shields and Attack Computer are not on, move both DIFFICULTLY switches to B. Now press the GAL MAP button on the Video Touch Pad(tm) (Key 2) to display the Galactic Map (figure 2). GALACTIC MAP Each square on the Galactic Map represents a sector of interstellar space. The map shows you: @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ Sector occupied by Krylon fighters (red wing*) @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@ @ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @ @ Location of starbase (atom) @@ @@ @ @ @ @ @ @@ @ @@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@ Star Fighter's current position (blue bar) @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ Star Fighter's new position (red bar) @@@@@@@@@ *Note: Colors may vary, depending on your television control settings. [Figure 2 - Galactic Map (Omited)] Using your Joystick, move the red bar to the sector occupied by the Krylons. (Joystick operation is explained in Section 3.) Now press the HYPERWARP button on the Video Touch Pad (key 3) to engage your hyperwarp engines. Note that the blue bar (your current position) joins the red bar (new postion) when you engage your hyperwarp engines. When hyperwarp is completed, the screen flashes red and the red alert sounds to warn you that the Star Fighter has entered enemy territory. NOTE: Red alert also sounds when the enemy moves into a sector you are occupying. When you hear the red alert, press the FORE VIEW button (key 1) to return to the forward view (Figure 1). Be prepared to engage the Krylons in battle. KRYLON PROFILES @ @ @@ @ @ @@@@@@ @ @@@@@ @ @@@@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@@ @@ @ @@@@@ @ @@ @@ @@@@@@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@@@@@ @ @ @ @ @@ Cruisers Fighters Basestars All three ships are designed for high-speed attacks and are more maneuverable than the Star Fighter. Fighters and cruisers do not have protective shields; they can be destroyed with one hit. Basestars are protected by shields and can only be destroyed at close range. All Krylon ships carry deadly photon torpedoes capable of seriously damaging the Star Fighter. At Skill Levels 30 and 40, Krylon pilots are especially good shots. ENGAGING THE ENEMY When the enemy is visible in the forward view, the computer emits three short tones. Lock on your photon torpedoes (see ATTACK COMPUTER), and press the red button on your joystick to fire them. The Star Fighter is equipped with twin torpedo tubes on the port and starboard sides. When the torpedoes are locked on, both tubes fire; otherwise only one tube fires. NOTE: To hit targets at close range, aim below the Target Marker. See Section 7, SURVIVAL INFORMATION, for details. ATTACK COMPUTER The Attack Computer consists of the Control Panel, the Target Marker, and the Attack Computer Display (Figure 3). The color of the Control Panel indicates the postion and range of the target: RED Behind you GREEN In front and out of range BLUE Visible and within range If the Control Panel turns BLACK, the computer is damaged(see DAMAGE). The Attack Computer Display tracks targets and locks on the photon torpedoes. The computer tracks two targets at a time. The dots shown in Figure 3 indicate the targets. Line up a dot in the center of the display to lock on the photon torpedoes. When lock-on occurs, the Target Marker changes from blue to red and the computer emits a short high-pitched tone. This is the best time to fire your photon torpedoes. [Figure 3 - Photon Torpedoes Locked On (Shows the Attack Computer Display to be at the lower right part of the screen with target as dots. The dots corespond to the enemy Krylons on the screen.)] FOLLOWING THE ENEMY Krylons move toward the starbase at a steady rate. The more ships there are the slower they move. At T10 the Krylons move one sector approximately every 30 seconds; at T40 they move a sector approximately every 70 seconds. Unless you engage the hyperwarp engines, the Star Fighter follows the Krylons at the rate of one sector every 7 or 8 seconds. When the Target Market (<-actual atari typo!) turns blue and the Control Panel remains green, it's a sure sign the enemy has moved on. Check the Galactic Map and move the red bar into the new Krylon target sector. NOTE: No red alert sounds when you enter a target sector without hyperwarping. STARBASE OCCUPIED The Krylons will destroy the starbase 30 seconds after they occupy it, unless you succeed in wiping them out. The computer indicates starbase destroyed with the same three tones that signal game start and end of game. After the base is destroyed, continue firing photon torpedoes at Krylons until you wipe them all out and complete your mission or the Star Fighter blows up. ASTEROID BELT When only one Krylon target remains, the Star Fighter plunges into an asteroid belt. Asteroids can be as damaging as photon torpedoes. Either maneuver around them or destroy them with your photon torpedoes. @@@@@@ @@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@ Asteroid @@@@@@@ @@@ @@@@@@@@@@ @@@@@@ ENERGY Every operation of the Star Fighter uses energy, as shown in the following table: Hyperwarp (sectors jumped) Energy Drain (units) ---------------------------------------------------------------- 1 20 2 50 3 70 4 100 5 120 6 150 Star Fighter Equipment or Sustained Hit Energy Drain (units) -------------------------------------------------------------------- Life Support System & Engines (always on) .5 per second Attack Computer On .5 per second Shields On 1 per second Photon Torpedo Fired 1 Torpedo or Asteroid Hits Ship 10 HYPERWARP The further you hyperwarp, the more energy it takes. If you have a choice, a series of small jumps to a destination is better than one long jump. At mission levels 10 and 20, the computer prevents you from hyperwarping when your energy supply is insufficient. At levels 30 and 40, always check the energy gauge on the Control Panel (see Figure 1) to be sure you have enough energy to make the jump. If you run out of energy during the hyperwarp, the Star Fighter will blow up. Section 7, SURVIVAL INFORMATION, has some tips on conserving energy. LOW-ENERGY SIGNAL When energy falls below 100 units, the computer automatically shuts off the Target Marker. Hyperwarp th the starbase and recharge immediately, if you have the energy to make it. keep an eye on your energy gauge and never allow it to fall below the level required to hyperwarp to the starbase. RECHARGING While the Star Fighter is recharging, the screen flashes. When the ship is fully recharged, COMPLETE appears at the bottom of the screen (Figure 4). After recharging, enter the Krylon target sector and continue fighting. WARNING! Recharging more than 7 times depletes the starbase and causes it to explode. [Figure 4. Recharging Completed (Shows Galactic Map with the word Complete in red at the bottom of the screen.)] DAMAGE Damaged or destroyed equipment is indicated on the Control Panel (Figure 5). One vist to the starbase repairs all damage. [Figure 5 - Damage Control(Shows the Control Panel with a letter, C, inbetween E105 and T30, indicating the Damage to the Star Fighter)] P = Photons Green Letter O.K. E = Engines Yellow Letter Damaged S = Shields Red Letter Destroyed C = Attack Computer DAMAGE REFERENCE TABLE Equipment Damaged Destroyed ------------------------------------------------------------------ Photons Only one tube fires Tube fires intermittently. when torpedoes locked on. Engines Somewhat difficult to Difficult to steer; engines steer; engine louder. "missing" sounds. Shields Flicker on and off. No shields; space appears black. Computer Control Panel turns Target marker flickers; no black; no audio lock-on; no horizontal track- warnings. ing. WARNING! If the Star Fighter is hit when its shields have flickered off, it will be destroyed. Repair damaged shields immediately. If you can't make it to the starbase, good luck! 3. USING THE CONTROLLER Use your Joystick Controller and Video Touch Pad with this ATARI Game Program cartridge. Plug the Video Touch Pad firmly into the RIGHT CONTROLLER jack at the back of your Video Computer System game. Plug the Joystick Controller into the LEFT CONTROLLER jack. Hold the Joystick with the red button to your upper left, toward the television screen. See section 3 of your owner's manual for further details. JOYSTICK MOVES Up | \ | / Left --- O --- Right / | \ | Down [Figure 6 - Cursor Control (Red Bar)] Use your Joystick Controller to move the cursor (Red Bar) around the Galactic Map (Figure 6) and maneuver your Star Fighter (figure 7). Press the red button to fire photon torpedoes. Dive | Port \ | / Starboard (Left) --- O --- (Right) Turn / | \ Turn | Climb [Figure 7 - Star Fighter Control] VIDEO TOUCH PAD [Figure 8 - Video Touch Pad(omited)] A STAR RAIDERS(tm) overlay is provided for the Video Touch Pad. Slip the overlay tabs into the slots provided on the Video Touch Pad. FOREVIEW (key 1): Selects the forward view from the Star Fighter's front space window (see Figure1 in Section 2). GAL MAP (key 2): Selects the Galactic Map (see Figure 2 in Section 2). HYPERWARP (key 3): Engages hyperwarp engines to transport your Star Fighter instantly into another sector of the Glactic Map (see Section 2). COMPUTER ON/OFF (key 4): Functions only when left DIFFICULTLY switch is set to A. Press to turn on; press again to turn off. SHIELDS ON/OFF (key 5): Functions only whrn right DIFFICULTLY switch is set to A. Press to turn on; press again to turn off. 4. CONSOLE CONTROLS GAME SELECT Press down the GAME SELECT switch to select the mission skill level: T10 = Skill Level 10 with 10 targets T20 = Skill Level 20 with 20 targets T30 = Skill Level 30 with 30 targets T40 = Skill Level 40 with 40 targets The skill level appears in the center of the Control Panel (Figure 1). See Section 6 for descriptions of the mission skill levels. GAME RESET Press down the GAME RESET switch to start your mission. Also use this switch to start a new mission at the same skill level. DIFFICULTLY SWITCHES Left Switch A - Attack Computer off. Controlled from Video Touch Pad. B - Attack Computer on. Controlled by computer. Right Switch A - Shields off. Controlled from Video Touch Pad. B - Shields on. Controlled by computer. Turning off the shields and Attack Computer saves energy. However, if the Star Fighter is hit when its shields are off, it will be blasted to space dust. See Section 7, SURVIVAL INFORMATION, for some practical ways to use the shields and Attack Computer on/off options. 5. RATING The ATARI FORCE computer rates your performance and assigns you a rank and class when you complete your mission by destroying all the Krylon targets. Rating Rank Class (Per Rank) -------------------------------------------------------------- 0 Cook | 1 Scout | 2 Pilot | 3 Ace | Each rank has five classes. 4 Eagle | Class 5 is lowest, Class 1 is 5 Star | highest. 6 Nova | 7+ ? (mystery rank) | You are rated according to the following formula: RANK = M + (energy remaining/100) - (Number of Starbase Visits/2) where M is a mission factor based on the mission skill level: M Skill Level -------------------------- 0 10 0.5 20 1.0 30 2.0 40 NOTE: Number of Starbase Visits will not be divided by 2 if you visit the starbase more than 6 times. The Control Panel displays your new rank (Figure 9) alternately with the energy remaining data. [Figure 9 - New Rank (Shows Rank (SCOUT 4) at bottom of screen)] Rank corresponds to skill level as follows: 10 Cook to Pilot 1 20 Ace 5 to Ace 1 30 Eagle 5 to Eagle 1 40 Star 5 to Mystery Rank Any time your new rating (promotion or demotion) puts you on a different skill level, use the GAME SELECT switch to change the skill level (see Section 4, CONSOLE CONTROLS). 6. MISSION SKILL LEVELS SKILL LEVEL 10 * 10 targets; 400 energy units * Computer prevents hyperwarping when fuel is insufficient. * Krylon ships and the starbase are always on opposite sides of the Galactic Map at the start of a mission. * Krylon photon torpedoes are not very accurate. Light damage if any. SKILL LEVEL 20 * 20 targets; 600 energy units * Computer prevents hyperwarping when fuel is insufficient. * Krylon ships and the starbase are on opposite sides of the Galactic Map at the start of a mission. * Krylon photon torpedoes are fast and accurate. Expect heavy damage. SKILL LEVEL 30 * 30 targets; 800 energy units * Check energy gauge before hyperwarping. * Krylon ships and the starbase can be anywhere on the Galactic Map at the start of a mission. * Krylon photon torpedoes are fast and accurate. Expect heavy damage. * Recommended for advanced Star Fighter pilots. SKILL LEVEL 40 * 40 targets; 900 energy units * Check energy gauge before hyperwarping. * Krylon ships and the starbase can be anywhere on the Galactic Map at the start of a mission. * Enemy torpedoes are deadly. Expect heavy damage. * Recommended for expert Star Fighter pilots only. 7. SURVIVAL INFORMATION [Figure 10 - Most Effective Firing Range for Close Targets (Shows the Effective Firing Range to be a semi circle radiating from the Control Panel to the Target Marker. Also, two enemy ships are shown to be within this range.)] EFFECTIVE FIRING RANGE Your target marker is adjusted to show where photon torpedoes converge at infinity. Don't expect to hit a target lined up in the target marker unless it is very far away (a small dot). When targets are closer lower your aim. Figure 10 shows the most effective firing range for targets the same size as photon torpedoes. Pull back on the Joystick to bring the targets into firing range. RECHARGING IN STARBASE SECTOR If energy runs low while you're fighting in the starbase sector, make one hyper warp jump out of the starbase sector and immediately recharge. CONSERVE ENERGY Turning off the Attack Computer and shields while hyperwarping or changing sectors saves 1.5 energy units per second. The energy saved might be enough for you to reach the star base and recharge. Don't forget to turn your shields and computer back on before entering the target sector. (See VIDEO TOUCH PAD in Section 3 for use of the shields and Attack Computer on/off options.) 8. GAME SELECT MATRIX Skill Level 10 20 30 40 ---------------------------------------------------------------------- Hyperwarp Computer Computer Pilot(check Pilot(check Control energy gauge) energy gauge) Kylon/Starbase Opposite Opposite Anywhere on Anywhere on Positions at sides of sides of Galactic Map Galactic Map Game Start Gal. Map Gal. Map Krylon Not very Fairly Very Deadly Torpedoes accurate accurate accurate Starship None to Fairly Heavy Heavy Damage light heavy Rank vs. Cook to Ace 5 to Eagle 5 to Star 5 to Skill Level Pilot 1 Ace 1 Eagle 1 Mystery Rank 9. SCORECARD GAME SKILL NAME NUMBER LEVEL RANK AND CLASS ___________________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ ___________________ _____________ _____________ ___________________ (Etc.) -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- -------------------Atari 2600 Instructions Archive-------------------
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Emulation on mobile devices will drain your battery quite fast. I recommend playing while device is plugged into charger.