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Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.
Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

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NES games in a JAVA Emulator.
Keyboard Controls | |
Gamepad Button | Player 1 |
Left | Left Arrow |
Right | Right Arrow |
Up | Up Arrow |
Down | Down Arrow |
A | X |
B | Z |
Start/Pause | Enter |
Select | Ctrl |

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.
(cover) NES-AN-USA Athena INSTRUCTION MANUAL SNK ------------------------------------------------------------ Thank you for Selecting ATHENA from SNK for your Nintendo Entertainment System. For maximum enjoyment of your new game, please read this booklet carefully and save it for future reference. TABLE OF CONTENTS The Story ................................................................. 4 The Controller ............................................................ 5 Screen Displays ........................................................... 6 Life Flowers .............................................................. 7 Weapons ................................................................... 8 Defense Objects .......................................................... 10 Other Objects ............................................................ 11 Enemies .................................................................. 13 3 ------------------------------------------------------------ THE STORY I am ATHENA. They call me the Goddess of Wisdom, but I have grown weary of my dull life in the castle. The Fantasy World beyond the castle walls beckons to me! Strange and fearsome creatures will attack me at every turn. But I will find weapons along the way: a ball and chain, a bow and arrow, or a mighty sword will be my defense! In the Fantasy World, I can put on wings and take to the sky, or become a mermaid to explore the ocean depths. There, the Goddess of Wisdom can become the Princess of Victory! 4 ------------------------------------------------------------ THE CONTROLLER Control Pad: Press top of pad to climb up ivy and ladders; press left side to move left; press right side to move right; and press bottom of pad to crouch or climb down ivy and ladders. Select Button: Press once to display objects thus far collected. Press again to return to Play mode. Start Button: Press to start the game; or press while playing to interrupt game (pause), then press again to continue playing. B button: Press to pick up Weapons. At the beginning of the game, ATHENA kicks without any Weapons. A Button: Press to doge enemies or to break brick and rock walls. When ATHENA is underwater or in the sky, use this button together with the Control Pad. Note: This game is only for one player. You cannot alternate with another player. 5 ------------------------------------------------------------ SCREEN DISPLAYS Life Gauge: Decreases each time ATHENA is hit. When it reaches "0", ATHENA dies. Score: Score points by destroying enemies and picking up Money Bags. Time: Counts down as you play. When it reaches "00", ATHENA dies. Strength: Show ATHENA'S attacking power. It can be increased by picking up Weapons and certain Objects. Hit points: Shows Athena's defense power. It can be increased by picking up Weapons and certain Objects. Number of ATHENAs: Shows how many ATHENAs you have. 6 ------------------------------------------------------------ LIFE FLOWERS At a certain stage of the game, Life Flowers appear. Whenever you find Life Flowers, smash them by kicking or using Weapons. Life Hearts will then appear Each Life Heart that you catch adds 1 to your Life Gauge. Sometimes Crystal Hearts appear; catching them will add 2 to your Life Gauge. Life Flower Life Heart Crystal Heart 7 ------------------------------------------------------------ WEAPONS Destroying enemies or breaking rock and brick walls causes various Weapons to appear. Pick them up to increase your strength. Billy Club: Use to destroy enemies, and to break rock and brick walls by hitting them twice. Iron Ball and Chain: Use to destroy enemies at a distance, and to break rock and brick walls with one blow. Hammer: Use to destroy enemies, and to break rock and brick walls with one blow. Sword (blue/yellow/red): Sword changes to three colors as power increases. Bow and Arrow: Use to destroy enemies at a distance. Magic Stick: Fires Magic Power. 8 ------------------------------------------------------------ Fire Sword: Fire from this sword expands to destroy enemies and break rock and brick walls at a wide range. Arrow: More powerful than Bow and Arrow. Magic Scroll: Extra-strong Magic Power. Fire Arrow: Powerful attack with Flaming Bow and Arrow. Magic Book: The strongest Magic Power. 9 ------------------------------------------------------------ DEFENSE OBJECTS Destroying enemies or breaking rock and brick walls causes various Defense Objects to appear. Pick them up for protection against attack. Iron Helmet (green)/ Bronze Helmet (blue)/ Dragon Helmet (yellow): Use to break rock and brick walls by jumping. Helmets increase in power from green to blue to yellow. Iron Shield (green)/ Bronze Shield (blue): For protection against frontal attack. Iron Armor (green)/ Bronze Armor (blue)/ Braves Armor (yellow): For three levels of defense power. Lion's Shield (yellow): For strongest protection against frontal attack. 10 ------------------------------------------------------------ OTHER OBJECTS Besides Weapons and Defense Objects, there are many hidden treasures to be found. Breaking rock and brick walls will reveal them. Money Bag: Increases your score. Ciba's Mirror (blue): makes your Defense Objects last longer. Fighter's Ring (blue): Makes your Weapons stronger by one level. Magic Lamp: Allows you to enter the next world from the hidden room. Wisdom Crown (blue): makes your Defense Objects stronger by one level. Poison Vase (red)/ Anti-Poison Vase (blue) 11 ------------------------------------------------------------ Hourglass (blue): Extends your time. ? Pegasus Wing: Gives ATHENA flying ability. ? Shell Necklace: Changes ATHENA into a mermaid. K-Mark Slate: Move through the K-Mark and ATHENA keeps Weapons and Treasures at next level of play. Destroy the K-Mark and ATHENA dies and loses all that she has gained. 12 ------------------------------------------------------------ ENEMIES Here are some of Athena's enemies in the Fantasy World. Joss Goober Kat Pablo Davi Momo Gabby Rachie Jazzo 13 ------------------------------------------------------------ (back cover) ALSO AVAILABLE FROM SNK IKARI WARRIORS (TM) AVAILABLE NOW VICTORY ROAD (TM) AVAILABLE FALL '87 ALPHA MISSION (TM) AVAILABLE FALL '87 SNK CORPORATION OF AMERICA 246 SOBRANTE WAY, SUNNYVALE CALIFORNIA 94086 copyright 1987 SNK CORP. OF AMERICA PRINTED IN JAPAN
These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
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