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Remote Control NES Video Game

Free Online Web Browser NES Game Play. This NES emulator supports mobile touch devices (i.e Iphone). Complete instructions and keyboard controls towards bottom of the page.

Click ‘Enter’ Key to Start Game. Main keyboard buttons are X and Z.

Click Game Window Size Button to Zoom Game Size between default, 1.5X and 2X

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If you are a little tech savvy, we also offer all these
NES games in a JAVA Emulator.

Keyboard Controls
Gamepad Button Player 1
Left Left Arrow
Right Right Arrow
Up Up Arrow
Down Down Arrow
Start/Pause Enter
Select Ctrl
amazon 3

Click on the game window and hit the ENTER key to start the game (you might have to hit start twice) . On a computer you can click the Game Window Size button to rotate between default, 1.5X and 2.X game window size. On mobile phones and Iphone use the gameplay control buttons shown on your screen (only on mobile) to play and start the game. If you grew up in the 80's you shouldn't need additional gameplay instructions. If you really need help or instructions playing this game, we have the The Official Nintendo Player’s Guide from 1987 to help you out.



MTV(r) Remote Control

Instruction Book


Starting the game

Welcome to MTV(r)'s Remote Control. Now you can play MTV(r)'s ridiculous trivia
quiz game show on your NES system! MTV(r)'s Remote Control will challenge your
knowledge of Classic TV Sitcoms, Rock Stars, Celebrities, and Rumors; as well
as Soaps and Cop Shows. So try to upstage and outclass your friends or favorite
NES opponents with the results of your years of cultural research in this
irreverent, fast-paced game for today's generation of TV trivia heads. And
remember, if you win, you should be ashamed of yourself. Here's how to get
started down the road to intellectual degradation.

- Insert the Game Pak into your Nintendo Entertainment System
- Turn on the power.
- MTV(r)'s Remote Control will jump out of your TV screen.
- Press Start to begin.


Using the controller

Control Pad: Selects Contestants, Channels, and Answers to Trivia Questions
Select: Press to Enter Your Name on Player Selection Screen
Start: Starts or Pauses the Game
A Button: Selects Channel and Buzzes In to Answer Trivia Question
B Button: Confirms Choice of Trivia Answer


Selecting contestants

Step 1: MTV(r)'s Remote Control game play involved 3 Contestants. You can play
against 2 Computer Contestants. Or, you can play against a friend and 1 
Computer Contestant.

For 1 player against 2 computer players, Controller 1 is active and Controller
2 is inactive. You may choose which Controller to use. For 2 human players and
1 computer player, both Controllers are active. The humans get the controllers.

Step 2: Press Start when you see the legal mumbo jumbo on the screen.

Step 3: With Controller in hand, Player 1 (For you Phys. Ed. majors, that's 
the Player holding Controller 1.) selects the face of his dreams using the up
and down arrows on the Control Pad. (Whatever you do, you must not press the
A or B Buttons.)

Step 4: Press Select to enter your name. Use the Control Pad to cycle through
the alphabet. Press Select again when you are done.

Now comes the hard part. When you have the face you always wanted, you must
decide if you are the only human playing. If you are the only non-computer
player, press Start. If your opponent is ape descended, pass Controller 1 to
him or her. You need not determine the sex of your opposition (or your own 
sex for that matter) before passing the Controller.

Step 5: If Player 2 is human, repeat Step 5. If you are uncertain who Player
#2 is, press the A Button. After you decide who you are, press either Start or
the right arrow. If you press the right arrow, you can choose the face of the
computer player. But it's pretty boring, so why not just get on with the game
and press Start. (Trust us on this one.) Return Controller 1 to Player 1, 
Then, pick up Controller 2.

Note to Ugly Contestants: If you don't like the way you look after seeing the
competition, don't panic. You can cycle back to your little TV using the arrow
keys and change to someone else. Too bad it's not so easy off the screen. 
However, if Player 1 changes, all of the other players change too. This happens
because of some high level stuff in the program that makes some contestants
incompatible with others. It's just like family life.

Step 6: After you select the Contestants, the handsome and quick witted host
appears on screen to introduce the Contestants on stage. Magically there you
are, along with the other contestants, right on the TV screen.


Game play - round one

The Host indicates which Contestant is in control and asks that contestant to
choose a Channel. If the Contestant is you, then choose one of the nine
channels on the Remote Control TV screen using the left or right arrow keys.
Press the A Button to lock in your choice.

The selected Channel appears on the game screen followed by a very clever
trivia question and three multiple choice answers. That's right, this is just
like school except that the questions require you to use parts of your brain
not usually accessed during waking hours.

All three Contestants "buzz in" by pressing the A Button on their controller
when they think they know the answer. (Don't worry about the poor computer
Contestant not having a controller, he can "buzz in" using only his mind. Try
it, it might work for you too.) And as the scholars among you have guessed,
the first Contestant to "buzz in" chooses from among the multiple choice 
answers. You will know who buzzed in first because his or her picture appears
in the lower right corner of the screen. If your face is on the screen, press
B to answer. You've got nothing to lose at this point.

If you guess wrong, the remaining Contestants get a chance to beat each other
to the buzzer for another try. If someone gets the answer right, they get the
points and take control of Channel selection for the next round. If no one
gets the answer (as pathetic as that sounds), control remains with the last
Contestant to choose.


Channel indicator

Pay attention, this gets technical. Here is how you tell if a Channel has been
selected. A white Channel has never been chosen. A red Channel has been
selected, but some questions remain unanswered. A gray Channel is closed, all
questions have been asked. The red flashing Channel is the one currently 


Snack break

At the end of Round One, we take a snack break. We suggest that you clear your
head, grab some munchies, watch MTV for a few minutes, and come back 
refreshed and ready for another grueling round.


Round two

The TV has been reloaded with new categories and more ridiculous trivia on
each Channel. The point value of each question is doubling just like in the
real game show.


Off the air

If it happens to you, you lose (which is not so embarrassing considering what
it takes to win this game). If it happens to someone else, make fun of them
for awhile, then prepare mentally for the final round.


Think real fast round

This is where we separate the men from the computers, and the computers from
the women, and the women from the men, and if you still need help, you really
need help. Anyway, in this round you compete against the remaining Contestant
in a test of quick TV trivia recall.

Questions will appear in rapid fire order on the screen. There are ten answers
on the screen. Use the arrows to select the correct answer before your
opponent gets to it. Then quickly press the A button to lock in your choice.
The first Contestant to select the correct answer gets the points.

When the round is over, only one survivor will be left standing or sitting.
The idea is to think real fast without losing your media cool under fire.
This is your last chance to gain points, win the game and rationalize a
misspent youth.


Special surprise channels

All Remote Control Channels are special, but some are more special than others.
You'll know them when you see them. Watch for Beat the Bishop, Ranger Bob and
the ever popular, Home Shopping Zone. We're not giving you any hints, you 
figure it out. If you don't, you give up 10 big ones. Don't say we didn't
warn you. Or go ahead and say it, we don't care.

OK, you TV trivia heads, that's how MTV(r)'s Remote Control is played. Now 
it's up to you to show the world that 87,362 hours in front of the tube can
count for something.


These games are being emulated natively in Javascript. No plug-in is required in your web browser, but the emulator does require a modern web browser. Game speed and emulation only runs as good as your computer or mobile phone. If you have a fast, modern computer these games will run very smoothly.
Sorry, no sound on mobile devices.

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Remotecontrol Arcade Game Emulated on the Nintendo Entertainment System (NES). Play Remotecontrol in your web browser or mobile phone. This NES emulator provides very accurate Remotecontrol gameplay. Remotecontrol is a classic 1980s NES video game.